What do we call the Entrance Antiphon?
What is the gathering song?
The part of the Bible the First Reading usually comes from
What is the Old Testament?
The last part of the Eucharistic Prayer.
What is the Amen?
The part of the Mass immediately before the Concluding Rites.
What is the Prayer after Communion?
The first part of the Communion Rite.
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
Which one comes first: the Greeting or the Entrance Antiphon?
What is the Entrance Antiphon?
What is the Second Reading?
This is brought up to the altar during the Preparation of the Gifts.
What is the bread and the wine?
The ______ Psalm.
What is Responsorial?
The Penitential _____.
What is Act?
The first liturgical season in the year where we do not sing the Gloria.
What is Advent?
Another name for the Universal Prayer.
What is the Prayer of the Faithful?
What happens at the Institution Narrative.
What is the transformation of the gifts into the Eucharist?
What comes first, the Final Blessing or the Dismissal?
What is the Final Blessing?
When do we stand in the Liturgy of the Word?
What is the Gospel Acclamation?
What is five
The part of the Liturgy of the Word usually left out inn our school Mass.
What is the Second Reading?
The prayer said or sung during the Fraction of the Bread.
What is the Lamb of God.
Do we kneel or stand during the Fraction of the Bread?
What is kneeling?
The second liturgical season where the Gloria is not sung.
What is Lent?
The first five words of the Penitential Act
What are ”I confess to Almighty God”
The name of one of the prayers of the Profession of Faith.
What is the Nicene Creed/Apostles Creed?
When we recall the Paschal Mystery.
What is the Anamnesis
We respond with this phrase during the Intercessions in our school mass.
What is “Lord, hear our prayers?”
This happens during the Epiclesis.