Chavalitos FC
Trailer park CHoir
Full house

A proposal or items of business on which the group is to make a decision; sometimes referred to as the question 

What is a motion?


what is the ballot vote?

Ballot vote requires member to write their vote on a slip of paper.


It's a brief intermission taken by the assembly.

What is Recess?


Bring an item of business that has already been dealt with back before the organization for consideration

Unclassified motion 


this main motion can be divided into these two categories 

What are the categories? 


what is a show of hands vote?

show hands vote requires members to raise their hand to cast their when asked if they are for or opposed to the motion.


This allows the group to bring back a motion which was placed on the table.

What is Motion to Take from the Table?


Deals with a violation of the rules

Point of order


this person will call the meeting to order recognize members to the floor, state motions, announce the vote and maintain order; a neutral body, that cannot offer debate on a motion or make motion and can only vote.

if it is to make or break a tie?


what is the general consent?

General consent indicates a unanimous vote for passing the motion; can be used when a motion is not likely to be opposed. 


This is made while a main motion is pending.

What is Secondary Motion?


Allows the members to modify a motion already before the group

Motion to amend


The main role of the vice chair is to be familiar with the duties of the chair so that, if the chair become unbale to serve

The vice chair can step in and take over?


what is Motion to fix the time to which to Adjourn?

Motion to fix the time to which to Adjourn sets up the time and sometimes the place for the continuation of the present meeting; does not adjourn the current meeting.


This allows the group to reconsider the vote on a motion and brings the motion back before the group for consideration.

What is Motion to Reconsider?


Usually a secondary motions that are made while another motion is pending 

Incidental motions


serves as official record keeper of the organization, keeps the roll of members and minutes of the meting and record of proceeding of the assembly; during the meeting.

The secretary reporter the minutes of the previuos meeting as well as takes notes to report at the next meeting.


what is privileged Motions?

Privileged motions are motions that do not relate to the main motion or pending business but relate directly to the member and organizations. 


This terminates debate and prevents the making of all subsidiary motions except lay on the table or the immediately pending motion; used to secure an immediate vote.

What is Previous Question?

Allows a member to gain information pertinent to parliamentary laws and principles

Parliamentary Inquiry
