Dune (Sorry)
Authors being their goofy quirky selves🤪
Our Beloved Bard
Our Somewhat Less Beloved Campus
Female Sci Fi Authors

The lovey and very hospitable planet that Dune takes place on.

What is Arrakis?


This famous horror poet died in probably the strangest possible way. He went missing for a week, until he was found wandering Baltimore in someone else’s clothes, totally delirious. He then died in a hospital a week later, raving about a man named Reynolds.

Who is Edgar Allen Poe?


This is Shakespeare‘s longest play, about a guy who for the life of him (literally) cannot make up his mind.

What is Hamlet?


The name of the place we are in right now, which you all love to spend time in to appreciate Nicole and my efforts (nod along)!

What is the Student Success Center?


This author was only 18 when she wrote her first novel, now commonly called the first Sci Fi story.

Who is Marry Shelley?


The definitely not magical space drug that everyone really, really wants.

What is Spice?


This author invented the most famous logical detective in literature. He also firmly believed his best friend, Harry Houdini, had real magical powers, despite Houdini’s repeated attempts to convince him otherwise.

Who is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?


Before appearing in this play, the Montagues and Capulets appeared 250 years earlier in Dante’s Divine Comedy. 

What is Romeo and Juliet?


These birds walk around here like they own the place (and soon enough, they probably will…)!

What are turkeys?


This author of The Hunger Games got the idea for the series by filpping through TV channels. 

Who is Suzanne Collins?


A bunch of definitely not magical witches who girlboss their way into controlling much of the politics of Dune.

Who are the Bene Gesserit?


This highly influential fantasy writer (and also, uh, sci fi, I guess…) had a day job working at the Oxford Dictionary researching the etymology of words. His most famous contribution there was “walrus“ and “wiggle”. 

Who is J.R.R Tolkien?


Love’s Labor’s Lost had this sequel written, now famously lost to time.

What is Love’s Labor’s Won?


The name of our library, where once upon a time printing was free…

What is the Loretto Memorial Library?


When writing her dystopian novel, this author made sure to base every plot beat on real-life incidences of female oppression (yikes 😬).

Who is Margaret Atwood?


In Dune’s simple and easy to follow plot, Paul is from this family, who are given control of the planet, but it was actually once owned by this rival family. But actually it’s all a trap set by the Emperor because… well I’ll just stop there.

Who are House Atreides, rivals to House Harkonnen?


This famous poet was the first Black woman to become a San Francisco trolley car conductor. She also spoke six languages!

Who is Maya Angelou?


This play, commonly called Shakespeare’s masterpiece, was so depressing that a contemporary edited it to have a happy ending! The true ending, where only the Duke of Kent survives, wasn’t staged again until 1838!

What is King Lear?


Before St, John’s took over with a promise to love and care for our campus (whoops), it was originally home to this all woman’s college.

What is Notre Dame College?


In a novel written by this author, three magical space beings teach Meg Murry and Charles Wallace how to use tesseracts (or ”wrinkles”) to travel through space and time.

Who is Madeleine L’Engle?


Eventually, Paul claims the role of this messianic figure, worshiped by the Fremen and feared by the Bene Gesserit. Bonus points if you can pronounce it correctly!

Who is the Kwisatz Haderach?


This famous writer, author of Mrs. Dalloway, really, really hated Ulysses. She said James Joyce had the maturity of a schoolboy, and that his novel was pretentious and hard to read. 

Who is Virginia Woolf?


Shakespeare only wrote two plays entirely in verse. King John, and this.

What is Richard II?


On this day, we (along with the faculty, somehow) were informed that our campus was officially deemed a lost cause.

What is August 12th, 2022?


This author wrote Parable of the Sower, a sci fi novel where the main character travels through a California desiccated by climate change and overrun with people desperate to achieve an unobtainable American Dream. So, ya know, normal California.

Who is Octavia E. Butler?
