Hadley's birthday, including the year.
What is January 7, 2006?
Hadley's friend who accompanied us all to Mexico in 2021.
Who is Sasha?
Cole's nickname, as started by Papa.
What is Colito?
Grandma & Papa's official city of residence.
What is Veradale?
Maddey's frequent hiding spot during family visits.
What is under Grandma & Papa's bed?
Uncle Chris's home state.
What is Nebraska?
Kent's best friend and Best Man in his wedding to Amy.
Who is Jeff Massey?
Hadley's unflattering kindergarten pronunciation of her full name.
What is Hagley Frossturd?
The neighborhood community in which Grandma & Papa have lived for 30+ years.
What is Bella Vista?
Halloween candy's year round location.
What is the bathroom closet?
The Madsen Family cats.
Who are Dash, Leah, Coco, Teapot and Bomb.
Amy's 6th grade bully/friend.
Who is Erika Brougher?
Hadley's childhood nickname.
What is Haddie or Had Fish?
A favorite restaurant until Covid protocol differences, located in neighboring Post Falls.
What is Hay-J's?
An animal frequently spotted in the meadow area/backyard of Grandma and Papa's house.
What is deer? (or turkeys)
The year Grandma and Papa were married.
What is 1967?
Ann & Chris's lake neighbors and besties.
Who are the Ledfords?
Kent earned this moniker for being a huggable uncle.
What is Uncle Huggy?
A mouse themed restaurant with pizza and games where Jake, Luke, Hadley and Cole spent much of their childhood, although sometimes under the table.
What is Chuck E. Cheese?
Every Christmas, this is displayed under the living room sofa table on the floor.
What is the Nativity Scene?
Grandma Nancy's coffee order.
What is a double tall nonfat latte?
Grandma Nancy's best friend for 50 years.
Who is Merry?
Jake's adorable kindergarten mispronunciation of the word Daffodil.
What is an Appa-diffel?
The location of Papa's workshop, according to Papa?
What is the ranch?
A recommended date to ensure that a consumable product will be at it's best quality, often ignored at Grandma's house.
What is an expiration date?