One of the function of your ear is to help with?
What is balance?
Is the smallest bone in the human body
What is the Stapes (Stirrup)?
The bone attached to the Eardrum
What is the Malleus (Hammer)?
Three very small bones in the middle ear
What is the Ossicles?
The stereocilia neurotransmitters turn movement into electrochemical impulses that go to the brain
What is the 4th step of the hearing process?
The receptors that change vibration into electro-chemical signals are found in
What is the Cochlea?
The Ossicles start vibrating and pass on the vibration to the...
What is the Cochlea.
The bone attached to the Incus (Anvil) (to the right)
What is the Stapes (Stirrup)?
Contains fluid and hair cell like structures which send signals about balance to the brain
What is the Semicircular tubes?
The brain analyzes the input and gives us an appropriate outcome.
What is the last (5th) step of the hearing process?
The electrochemical signal pass through this channel to be interpreted
What is the Auditory nerve?
It is a passage that funnels sounds waves.
What is the ear canal?
It is a narrow cylindrical passage part of the middle ear and the throat under the Ossicles
What is the Eustachian tube?
The brain not only interprets what we're hearing (input) but...
What is gives us a response (output)?
The sound waves are catched by the pinna and go through the Ear canal and reach the Eardrum
What is the 1st step of the hearing process?
Gathers sound waves from the environment and directs them into the interior of the ear.
What is the Pinna?
Here you can find stereocilia that sends signals about balance to the brain
What is Semicircular canals?
Are a set of tubes on top of the Cochlea
What is the Semicircular tubes?
Thin layer of skin stretched tight, in the middle ear.
What is the Eardrum?
The sound waves hit the Eardrum which starts vibrating and passes the vibration to the Ossicles.
What is the 2nd step of the hearing process?
Bundle of nerve fibers that carries hearing information between the cochlea and the brain.
What is the Auditory nerve?
A narrow tube between the middle ear and the throat that serves to equalize pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
What is the Eustachian tube?
The bone attached to the Malleus (Hammer)
What is the Incus (Anvil)?
Sound waves traveling through the fluid in it trigger nerve impulses.
What is the Cochlea?
The Ossicles start vibrating and pass on the vibration to the Cochlea which hairs start moving
What is the 3rd step of the hearing process?