These are 2 examples of soft skills
What is Collaboration, communication, personal management, problem-solving, team work, adaptability, flexibility, compassion, etc...
You should always have this with you when you walk into a classroom
What is a bag of tricks?
Is an example for good communication
Nave your fav
This is when we change the material that is taught for a student
What is a modification?
Clothes to wear in a kindergarten room
What are strechy dress pants and a nice top?
non verbal communication that signifies anger or displeasure
What are arms crossed, furrowed eye brows, frown?
Is an example of how to get your class' attention
What is "hands on top - that means stop" or name your fav
Is a way to communicate without sound
What is non-verbal communication?
This is when we support how a student learns
What is accommodations?
These two words should be avoided as much as possible in communication conflict.
What is "you" and "but"...instead use "I" and "and"
Skills that are not job specific
What are soft skills?
Are good ways to start your day with students when teaching
What is calm entry, name plates, colouring, relaxing music, greeting at the door, etc...
It takes this long to make a first impression
What are 7 seconds?
The three styles of learning
What is Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic?
These are examples of non visible disabilities
What are learning disabilities, mental health illnesses or name others
Breathing that helps you and your students get calm and focused
What is box breathing?
Will help solve a lot of disrupted behaviours
What is a relationship between student and teacher?
This is a good way to deliver feedback
What is 1- positive 1st, 2- feedback sandwich, 3- specific, 4- recommendations, 5- don't assume, 6- use I language
Always listen to ______ and noone else
Who is Jasmine?
These are the 8-letter codes found on the MBTI
What is E/I, S/N, F/T, J/P?
Should go on last in winter clothes order
What are mittens?
Some morning activities to start the day
What are community circles, morning meeting activity and mindfulness rocks (or name your fav)
Communication is divided into three characteristics, this is the percentage for each.
What is
7% the words you say (verbal)
38% the voice tone you use (tone)
55% your non-verbal behaviour (non-verbal)
Is a reason to make sure to have an inclusive classroom
Name your fav reason
This is the poem for the epi-pen?
What is blue to the sky, orange to the thigh?