General Issues in Psychotherapy
Psychodynamic & Humanistic Therapy
Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Therapy
~*Surprise Me*~

_______ refers to how well a treatment works in a lab / research-oriented setting whereas ______ refers to how well a treatment works in the real world

What is efficacy and what is effectiveness?


Psychodynamic theory proposes there are three core parts of our personal identity. Which of these three comprises the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives?

What is Id?

(Our moral, ethical, practical side is Superego; our side that handles the conflict between Id and Superego and interacts with the external world is Ego)


This approach to exposure therapy involves exposing the client directly to their feared stimulus immediately whereas this approach to exposure therapy involves exposing the client more and more to their feared stimulus

What are flooding and graded exposure?


Missy wasn't a very good waitress. Now she fears she will be bad at every new thing she tries. This is the main cognitive distortion that Missy seems to be making

What is Overgeneralization? (Applying lessons learned from negative experiences more broadly than is warranted)


Which therapy would you recommend for a client who has obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Exposure and response prevention


It has been proposed that the three groups of common factors follow this sequence

What is Support factors → Learning factors → Action factors


In this exercise, clients are asked to freely share thoughts, words, and anything else that comes to mind without censorship

What is free association


The main goal of this therapy is to help the client learn to associate a feared stimulus with a new response (usually relaxation) that is incompatible with their current response of anxiety/fear

What is systematic desensitization?


What does each letter of the ABCDE model stand for?

What is activating event, belief, consequence, dispute, effective new belief


Which therapy would you recommend for a client who has borderline personality disorder?

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?


This refers to the idea that all psychotherapy approaches are equally effective

What is the dodo bird verdict?


Name and define two types of defense mechanisms

Denial, Repression, Reaction formation, Projection, Displacement, Sublimation


This type of therapy is based on classical conditioning and involves exposure to the obsessive thoughts or the situations that elicit such thoughts while simultaneously preventing the client’s typical response

What is Exposure and Response Prevention (used for OCD)


Aaron Beck believed depression results from these three things

What are: negative view of self, negative view of the world, and negative view of the future


The ABCDE model was part of ______'s brand of cognitive therapy whereas the thought record was part of ______'s brand of cognitive therapy

Who are Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck?

Charlie has recently begun to recognize that his wife may be right: He does have a drinking problem. He’s considering trying to stop drinking, but he’s not quite sure yet that he wants to stop. Charlie is in the:

Contemplation Stage


These are the 3 core elements of humanistic therapy

What are Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard, and Genuineness


This behavioral therapy aims to break the client's cycle of inactivity and depression by getting them involved in activities they find positively reinforcing

What is Behavioral Activation?


Name and briefly define two of the offshoots of cognitive therapy that we discussed

What are Mindfulness, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Therapy for Medical Disorders


Doug always gets excited to go to the park. He begins to notice that every time his dad comes home wearing a baseball hat, he takes Doug to the park. Soon, Doug begins to get excited to go to the park whenever his dad comes home wearing a baseball hat. However, if Doug's dad stopped taking Doug to the park every time he came home wearing a baseball hat, this process would occur

What is Extinction


This type of therapy approach combines elements of different therapies while keeping those elements intact whereas this type of therapy approach combines elements of different therapies to form a new, hybrid form of therapy

What is an eclectic approach and what is an integrated approach?


This therapy style/technique is derived from humanistic therapy and encourages behavior change (e.g., reducing substance use) by increasing “change talk” and reducing “sustain talk”

What is motivational interviewing

Doug always gets excited to go to the park. He begins to notice that every time his dad comes home wearing a baseball hat, he takes Doug to the park. Soon, Doug begins to get excited to go to the park whenever his dad comes home wearing a baseball hat. These are the unconditional stimulus, unconditional response, conditional stimulus, and conditional response

What are going to park (UCS), excitement to go to park (UCR), dad wears baseball hat (CS), and excitement to dad wearing baseball hat (CR)?

Name and define 3 types of cognitive distortions

All-or-nothing thinking, Catastrophizing, Magnification/Minimization, Personalization, Overgeneralization, Mental filtering, Mind-reading

This is what exposure therapy is and these are two disorders it can be used for

What is: Expose client to their feared stimulus-- goal is to help client unlearn association between feared stimulus and negative outcome; What are specific phobia disorder, social anxiety disorder, PTSD?
