What are the three what skills?
What is observe, describe and participate?
What are the three states of mind?
Wise mind, Emotional mind, Reasonable mind
What is dialectics?
The way a person talks
What are the two types of judgement?
Discriminating and Evaluative
What does it mean to be mindful?
To be present in the moment
True or false: You can do the "what" skills all at once/ the same time
False. Can only be done one at a time
What is an emotional mind
Being emotional or controlled by your emotions
What is an example of a Philly dialect?
Answers may vary
What is discimination judgement?
A fact, logic
Examples may vary
What is mindlessness?
Not being aware of your thoughts, emotion or the present moment
What does it mean to observe?
What is reasonable mind?
Using logic and facts
What is an example of a NY dialectic?
Answers may vary
What is evaluative judgement?
Judgement based on your ideas, perspectives, opinions
What is an example of mindfulness?
Meditation, Breathing,
Answers could vary
What does it mean to describe?
What is to Explain, label, name something
What is wise mind
When emotion and reason meet in the middle
What does it mean to be open minded
Open to other ideas, not being in a fixed mindset, or "stuck" in your ways
Being present
Provide an example of discriminating judgement?
Answers may vary
Provide an example of mindlessness
Being overly emotional..
Getting to a destination and dont remember how you got there
Answers may vary
What does it mean to participate?
To be fully involved in an activity, not thinking or stressing, fully engaged
What are examples of professions that use reasonable and emotional mind?
Reasonable- Pilot, Engineer
Emotional- Social worker, Teacher
Answers may vary
What does it mean to be in a focused mind?
Focusing your attention on one thing in the moment
Provide an example of evaluative judgement
Answers may vary
What are some of the benefits of being mindful?
Answers may vary