This special cup holds the precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Time to get candles! The candles are used when the Priest reads from this part of the Bible.
This Liturgy starts from the beginning of the Mass but ends at the Prayers of the Faithful.
Liturgy of the Word
She saw our Lady in a grotto and told the priests to build a church. Now, this shrine in Lourdes is very popular with the sick.
St. Bernadette
The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one. St. Patrick uses a shamrock to explain this mystery.
This golden vessel means "food" in Latin
Time to get the candle! One server brings a candle to the back for this procession.
Procession of the Gifts
This Liturgy begins with the offertory and ends with the Dismissal
Liturgy of the Eucharist
He's got a fire sword and leads God's army of angels
St. Michael
It means "library" because it's got so many books.
The Bible
This pair holds the special gifts used for Mass
Time to ring the bells! This is the first time the bells are rung three times.
The consecration of the Body of Christ
1, 2, 3, and 4. We usually hear 1 and 3 on Sundays and 2 on the weekdays. 4 different prayers but one prayer of consecration.
Eucharistic Prayer
This holy mother helped the poor in India, especially in Calcutta.
St. Teresa of Caclutta
These are external and visible signs of an interior and invisible reality
This special square cloth catches any particles (small pieces) of the Eucharist or catches any accidental spills from the Precious Blood
Time to ring the bell! This is the last time the bells are rung.
The priest consumes the Blood of Christ
Time to ring the Bell! The priest extends both his hands over the gifts to pray over them and we ring the bell once to signal the coming of this person of the Holy Trinity.
The Holy Spirit
He's a quiet but strong type and is a very good carpenter.
St. Joseph
Inside the Church, if you look up, it kinda looks like an upside down boat. This is where we get the name for this part of the Church.
the Nave
Without this book, the priest would have a hard time saying Mass! Even then, he can hard time flipping between the pages and all those ribbons!
What is the Roman Missal
The Our Father begins this part of the Mass.
The Communion Rite
Ooof! My bad, My bad, my most grievous bad. This rite at the beginning of Mass helps us ask God for forgiveness.
One half of the Sons of Thunder, his brother is well known for writing the Gospel and the book of Revelation
St. James
On December 8, we celebrate this feast of Mother Mary because she was born without sin.
Immaculate Conception