It's a Classic
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Systems and Strategies
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Follow the Leader

This Classical Management Theorist conceptualized time and motion studies, introduced incentives, emphasized selection and training of workers, worker-management cooperation.

Who is Frederick Taylor?


A series of industrial research studies conducted at Western Electric Company Plant, looking for ways to maximize output and organizational efficiency.

What are the Hawthorne Studies?


This theory applies the properties of living systems such as input, output, boundaries, homeostasis, and equifinality. 

What is General System Theory?


This is the acquired learning of a group that gives its members a sense of who they are, of belonging, and works to make that group recognizably different from other groups.

What is culture?


These three habits are associated with effective leadership.

What are habits of mind, character and authentic communication?


This theory developed in the early 1900s and was based on Frederick Taylor’s assumption that management is a true science resting on clearly defined laws, rules, and principles.

What is scientific management?


This social worker theorist indicated that management is a shared, collective sense of control.

Who is Mary Parker Follett?


This theory encourages individual members (people, departments, or organizations) to be mindful of the importance of the overall health of their industry (Lewin, 1997).

What is Open Systems Theory?


The textbook author's define this as: the actions, ways of thinking, practices, stories, and artifacts that characterize a particular organization.

What is organizational culture?


Manager of Leader: risk taking, people oriented, transformational, participative, and charismatic.  

What is a leader?


Classical management theories and styles developed as a result of which revolution?

What is the Industrial Revolution?


True or False: The most important outcome of the Hawthorne Studies was the determination that the amount of light in the production area was directly related to the productivity. The more light, the more productive the workers became.

False. For 100 extra points, discuss the major finding/outcome of the study.


Reward, coercive, referent, expert, legitimate are types of this.

What is Social Power?


Rituals, metaphors, stories, artifacts, performances, values and heroes/heroines are types of these.

What are cultural elements?


This type of organization is one that has restructured itself around interdependent decision-making groups, not individuals, as a means of improving work processes and providing better products and service to customers.

What is a team-based organization?


This organizational structure features:
a fixed division of labor among participants, a hierarchy of offices, a set of general rules that govern performance, a rigid separation of personal life from work life, and the selection of personnel on the basis of technical qualifications and equal treatment of all employees?

What is a bureaucracy?

Different kinds of employment relationships in which job security is fleeting and tied expressly to whether one's skills fit an organization's need at a specific time.

What is the New Social Contract?


This business strategy involves highlighting unique or special qualities of a company's product or service.

What is differentiation.


The process by which people learn the rules, norms, and expectation of a culture over time and then become members of that culture.

What is socialization?


True or False: Project teams are cross-functional groups whose goals are to improve customer satisfaction, evaluate and improve team performance, and reduce costs.

False. For 100 extra points, what type of teams were described?


These three theorists emphasized a machine metaphor in the understanding of the common worker.

Who are Taylor, Weber, and Fayol?


This theory states that organizational communication is a dichotomy between how employees communicate to create and shape organizations and how the constraints that organization places on that communication impacts employees. 

What is the Balance of Creativity and Constraint?


This refers to the wholeness of a system, and its environment, and to the interrelationship of individuals in the system.

What is interdependence?


This research method is a systematic way to analyze organizational culture by reflecting on “lived experience” of employees.

What is ethnography?


This is a main difference between a group and a team.

What is self-directed?
