What is one way to improve your time management skills?
What is _____
Who was the founder of SUNY Oswego?
Edward Austin Sheldon
You should review your class notes on a ________ basis.
Name 2 ways to cope with stress
What are _________
This coping skill requires you to write your thoughts down on paper.
What is journaling
What is the name of the body of water near the main entrance to campus?
Glimmerglass Lagoon
Name one location on campus where you can study
Where is ____________
True or False? Stress can be both good and bad
Name one thing or place on campus that can help with stress
What is _____
In which building can you find this structure?
When is the best time to review your notes?
True or False? Taking Adderall from a friend or other RX stimulants can help you study and get better grades.
Where is the counseling center located?
Walker Health Center
What year was SUNY Oswego founded? And bonus for what type of college is was... hint: what discipline
What is 1861 and it was a teacher's college
To prepare for an exam you should not do what?
What are two physical symptoms of stress?
What are _________