Arctic Fox

Describe a Voyageur

A professional canoeist who transported furs for the Fur Trade.


What were some of the things the Coureurs de bois traded with the First Nations?  

Metal pots, pans, weapons, ammunition.  


Seeking farmland and furs caused tension because...  

The land was split into long narrow strips along the st. Lawrence River. Seigneurs had the largest plots of land, located in the middle of the habitants.  


Why did the French want to protect the Ohio Valley?  

The British were getting in the way of the fur trade and were threatening the relationship with the First Nations people.  


Why did the British colonists move to the Ohio Valley?  

To settle and build farms on First Nations land.  


Describe a Coureur de bois  

An independent French Canadian fur trader who traveled deep into the forests of New France. (known as a Runner of the Woods)  


Describe a Seigneur 

A landlord who rented land on behalf of King Louis XIV to farmers for a small fee. Most of the farms were located along the St. Lawrence River.  


Racing to build forts caused tension because...  

Both the French and English were building forts and trading posts very close to one another to attract the First Nations fur traders.  


Why were the French racing to build forts?  

They had a better chance of attracting First Nations business away from the British.  


Why were the French actively working with the First Nations in the Ohio Valley?  

To build the Fur Trade.  


Why did the Coureur de bois travel deep into the forest of New France?  

To build new relationships with the First Nations people to expand the Fur Trade.


Describe a Habitant  

Rented farms from Seigneurs. Worked together by trading crops and livestock with fellow settlers.  


Economics caused tension because...  

Both the French and the English were trying to cut off one another's resources. These resources helped both The French and English build their armies.  


Economically, why were forts and trading posts important to the British and French?  

Both the English and the French would use the furs traded at the posts to fund their armies so that they could take over more land.  


Who were considered a threat to the French relationship with the First Nations?  

The British Colonists  


To solidify their relationship and trading partnership with the First Nations, what did Coureur de bois do?  

The Coureur de bois would often marry the daughters of the First Nations Chiefs. It made it more difficult for the English who were also settling at this time to build relationships with some First Nations groups.  


How big were the size of the Habitant farms?  

The size of a football field.  


Competing for land in the Ohio Valley created tension because...

The British wanted the Ohio Valley to expand their colony and the French the Ohio Valley to expand the fur trade.


What were both the French and English doing to each other that created more economic tension?

They were trying to cut off each other's goods that were used for trading with the First Nations for furs.


Who was clearing the land that was traditionally hunted by the First Nations for fur?    

The British Colonists  


What did the Voyageurs do?  

They did not trade or sell furs but instead they assisted the coureurs de bois. They transported goods for the fur trade including many of the goods that coureur de bois traded with the First Nations.  


How was the land split between the Seigneur and Habitants?  

The land was split into long narrow strips along the st. Lawrence River. Seigneurs had the largest plots of land, located in the middle of the habitants.  


Why did the English want to expand into the Ohio Valley?  

Most of the good farmland in the British colonies had already been taken. They were moving for more land.  


Why did the British wanted land in the Ohio Valley?  

To farm as the British Colonies were getting overcrowded.


What did the Jesuits bring to New France that had a negative impact on the First Nations people?  

They unintentionally brought diseases such as small pox that wiped out entire tribes of First Nations in some cases.  
