What it the famous ball company?
Answer 6letters (include M and N)
When does your spring vacation end?
It ends April 7th.
How many stars are on American National flag?
How do you say 私立学校 in English?
private school
How do you spell "アイスクリーム" in
ice cream
How tall is the standard basketball ring?
Hint: more than 300cm
What 's the date of "Showa day"?
It's April 29th.
What became the 49th state(州) in America?
Hint: The 50th state is Hawaii.
What is the nearest subway station for "Sendai Minami High School"?
What is the nearest ramen shop from Koriyama JHS?
Hamacho (はま長)
When was the second Tokyo Olympics held?
Hint first Olympics was held in 1964.
What is famous food in Philippines ?
It's like a parfait .
It's "halo-halo".
Japanese have ”white day" on March 14th.
( ) have black day on April 14th.
( )に「~人」に当たる英語を書きなさい
How do you come to Sendai Ikuei Gakuen?
You can't walk or ride your bike.
( subway and) JR line trains. / Tohoku honsen and Sensekisen など
What kind of "yakisoba" is famous as the original in Sendai?
Mabo yakisoba
Who is the most famous table tennis player from Sendai?
answer his / her full name
Harimoto Tomokazu or Fukuhara Ai or Harimoto Miwa
Japanese have "higan" in spring and in autumn.
How do you write "higan" in kanji?
People in ( ) are banned chewing gum.
( )に入る国名を英語で書きなさい
What schools are called "number school" in Sendai?
Write school names in Roman letters
Sendai ichiko Sendai nikako
Sendai niko Miyagi ichiko
Sendai sanko
What convenience store can you buy the 31 ice cream?
Yamazaki daily store
Who got the first National Hornour Award(国民栄誉賞)?
Hint:He is one of very popular sports player in Japan.
Ou Sadaharu
How do you say ”3年生に進級する” in English?
We ( ) up to the third grade.
The country produced bananas the most in the world is ( ).
( )に入る国名は?
Hint : Asian county
How many high schools have no school uniform in Sendai?
Sendai ichiko Sendai niko Sendai sanko
Miyagi ichiko Sendai koko
Sendai Mukaiyama Shokeigakuin
Miyagino Sendai Taishi Tohokugakuin
Gakuin Tsutsujigaoka
What company sells "Canada dry Ginger Ale"?