Scientific Inquiry
Motion and Forces
Do you know Ms. Griffin?

"The table is 1.5m long" is an example of what kind of data?

Quantitative Data


What is motion?

The process of changing position


What is energy?

The ability to do work or cause change


What is on the x-axis for BOTH distance-time graphs and speed-time graphs?



What is Ms. Griffin's favorite color?



What is a triple beam balance used to measure? AND what units do our balances use? 

mass; grams


You release a toy car down a ramp. The car eventually stops after rolling down the ramp. Which of Newton's Laws explains why the car stops?

Newton's First Law 

(An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Sliding friction is the force acting against the motion of the car causing it to stop)


At what point on a roller coaster ride is there the greatest amount of potential energy?

At the highest point


How far did the person travel for the line DE? (you must include proper units to get the points)

0 km


When is Ms. Griffin's birthday (month)?



Provide an example of data points that would be neither precise nor accurate for the temperature of boiling water in °C (include at least 3 data points) 

15°C, 44°C and 71°C 


Explain how the electric force between a negatively charged balloon and small pieces of neutral (no charge) paper would be affected if you change the distance between the two from 5cm to 25cm (if the charge stays the same throughout). Why?

The strength of the electric force between the balloon and the paper pieces would decrease because the distance between them is increasing (distance and strength of electric force are inversely related)


What is the difference between conduction, convection and radiation?

Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy from one material to another by electromagnetic waves

Conduction: the transfer of thermal energy between materials by the collisions of particles (in contact)

Convection: the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of particles from one part of a material to another (in fluids)


What are the 7 things that must be included on a line graph with more than one line?

Scale, Units, Labels, Title, Accuracy, Neatness, and a Key!


How do you spell Ms. Griffin's first name?



Make one observation and one inference about this image

Observations: the kite is multicolored, there is one kite, the kite has a tail, the background is blue and white

Inferences: the kite is flying, it is windy, the kite is in the sky


What are the 3 types of friction? Provide an example for each

Static Friction: If you push on a boulder alone, static friction would be the force opposing you if you are unable to move the boulder (it stays stationary even when you push on it)

Sliding Friction: If you and a friend push on a boulder together and it moves forwards, sliding friction would be the force opposing you trying to stop it from moving

Fluid Friction: If you drop a piece of paper, gravity is the force pulling the paper down towards the ground and fluid friction in the form of air resistance is pushing up on the paper trying to stop the paper from falling


Explain why, for a cooking pot, the pot itself is usually made of metal, while its handle is usually made of a plastic. (must use proper vocabulary to earn the points)

The metal pot allows thermal energy to flow through it easily so it is a thermal conductor. This allows the burner on the stove to heat up whatever is inside of the pot to cook it.

The handle of the pot is a thermal insulator. The material does not allow energy to flow through it easily. This allows you to touch the pot by the handle without burning yourself even when the contents in the pot are hot (it takes longer to become hot than the pot itself).


How can you tell on a distance time graph that an object stopped moving?

The slope of the line is 0 (a horizontal line).

The distance stays the same as the time increases.


Name one video game Ms. Griffin plays (can be general)


Animal Crossing



What are the steps of the scientific inquiry process? (hint: there are 6)

  1. Ask Questions

  2. Hypothesize and Predict

  3. Test Hypothesis

  4. Analyze Results

  5. Draw Conclusions

  6. Communicate Results


An in-line skater uses two hands to push against a wall in front of her. Explain why she rolls backward (there are 3 forces involved that you must explain).

The skater exerts an action force on the wall; the wall exerts a reaction force of equal size but in the opposite direction on the skater

The reaction force is greater than the force of static friction on the skater, so the skater rolls backward, away from the wall.


A popcorn maker is plugged into the wall and then popcorn is made. You and your friends eat it for a snack. (hint, use 5 types of energy in your explanation)

Electrical energy from the popcorn maker being plugged in is converted into thermal energy when the energy is transferred to the heating element of the popcorn maker. The thermal energy is transformed into mechanical energy and sound energy when the popcorn pops. When you eat the popcorn, you convert the energy into chemical energy that your body can use to do activities.


Draw an example of a speed-time graph that represents an object slowing down and coming to a stop (including correctly label x- and y-axis)

A line with an downward slope, end touching the x-axis

X-axis = time

Y-axis = speed


Where did Ms. Griffin work at Disney? (you must include the name of the attraction and the park)

Living with the Land at EPCOT
