What kind of feet do we always use in the classroom?
Walking feet
True or False: It's OK to say rude, mean, and hurtful things to my teacher and classmates.
FALSE! Always use kind words and tones with everyone.
True or false: I can leave the classroom without telling the teacher.
FALSE! Always ask the teacher for permission before leaving the classroom.
Who is allowed to use the pencil sharpener in the back?
Mrs. Brott or the Pencil Patrol
Does Mrs. Brott expect me to be perfect?
NO! She just expects you to do your best :)
When is it okay to put your hands on other people?
NEVER! Hands to yourself- always!
What should your voice level ALWAYS be when your teacher is teaching?
How do we walk in the hallway?
Tight to the right, hands by our side, voice level 0, facing forward
Where can you go in the classroom if you're feeling out of control of your body?
Break spot
What are some hand signals we use in the classroom?
Water, bathroom, 0 for 0 voice, connection
How do you take a break in the break spot?
Set a timer for two minutes, use different strategies to help calm your body
When is it okay to blurt?
Never- unless the teacher says it's OK
What are some bathroom expectations?
Quick, quiet, clean. Respect others privacy. Two pumps of paper towel, no shooting baskets into the garbage. Come back to class quickly and quietly.
What are some quiet activities you can choose to do in the morning once your lunch choice and breakfast is finished?
Coloring/drawing, tactile tubs, reading, writing
When do we use line order to line up?
ALWAYS! Unless your teacher tells you differently.
How can you show good body basics?
Eyes on speaker, hands to self, body in own space
How can I show that I want to say something?
Raise my hand without making any noise or blurting
When is a good time to use the bathroom?
Before announcements in the morning, during independent work time, after the teacher is done teaching, during lunch, during choice time
What do you do when you come to the classroom in the morning?
1. Put your folder in the white tub.
2. Make your lunch choice on the board.
3. Feed your body with breakfast if you're hungry!
4. Choose a QUIET activity- at your desk.
What do we need to bring to school every day?
Backpack, red folder, snow gear, jacket, a positive attitude! :)
Taking deep breaths, using a fidget, taking a drink of water
When my teacher asks me to do something, when do I do it?
Right away, the first time she asks
If I'm having a hard time with something we're working on, what can I do?
Raise my hand to ask for help, try my best even if it's hard!
How do you get a sharp pencil if yours is dull?
Who can you go to if something is bothering you at home or at school?
Mr. Pierre, Mrs. Brott, Mrs. Arneson, any teacher you feel safe or comfortable with!