I can get out of my seat without a teachers permission.
,I need to use a quiet hand and wait for the teacher to say im so disapointed in you.
Hands by my side eyes are forward.
I can stand on other peoples numbers.
I have to ask permission to use the bathroom
of course, the teacher needs to know where you are.
i can pass notes in class.
nope, your card will be flipped you are distracting others.
I need a pencil what should I do?
put 1 finger in the air, and wait for teacher to say im so disapointed in you or nod at me
I can talk to my friends in line
I can sit on my number at recess line up.
False, too dangerous someone can step on you.
when are the best times to use the bathroom?
-morning time
-morning recess
-lunch recess
In the morning line, I can run around and run back and forth to the bathroom.
Only go to the bathroom if you need to use the bathroom. do not go because your friend is in there. Please sure running, yelling or bouncing balls outside. feel free to talk to your friends
The teacher is talking, what should you be doing?
eyes on the teacher, not talking to your peers.
I can touch and put my hands in the garbage cans in the cafeteria, while in line.
nope, keep your hands to yourself and keep germs off your hands.
I should go the bathroom when the bell rings at recess.
nope, bathroom, water, play
i can use the bathroom 2 times during class
nope, you may use one bathroom during class daily.
Hitting, or pushing anyone will mean I have to move my card.
True, your hands do not belong on anyones body
I can talk after the teacher says voice level 0.
nope, the teacher will give you one warning then your card will get flipped
My body should always be facing forward in line
I should be in line when the bell rings in line order.
do not wait for your friends go straight to the line
In the bathroom, i can play, yell, and scream.
No, use the bathroom and come back to class you are missing out on learning
I can get out my seat to get something from a friend
NO, I need to ask the teacher first
I can talk to my friends when entering the classroom in the morning and go to the classroom library.
step 1: take out your homework
step 2: begin do now
I can talk on the way to my line in the classroom.
NO, YOU WILL BE TOLD TO SIT DOWN AND DO IT AGAIN, If it is the whole class, we will all sit down and do it again.
if my friend stops to tie their shoe in line, i should stop and wait for them.
nope, continue walking in line, they will catch up
I can be in the bathroom longer than 5 minutes
I can talk when the teacher says tracking ......
Sure put your eyes on that person and show respect. if your classmate is talking you are silent and listening.