deep rooted trees have them
what kind of trees have taproots?
the leaf's pores
what are the stomata?
what are petals?
the fungus introduced by bark boring beetles
what is blue stain fungus?
mortality rates of this insect are 90-99%
what are the mortality rates of trees infected by the hemlock woody adelgid?
the three major parts of a tree
what are the roots, trunk, and leaves?
contained in the mesophyll
where are the chloroplasts?
the bottommost part of a flower
what is the peduncle?
the most damaging insect
what is the southern pine beetle?
the only food in the diet of the hemlock woody adelgid
the layer that builds cells
what is the cambium?
the interior of the leaf
what is the mesophyll?
the part of a flower above the peduncle and below the pistil
what is the receptacle?
the shape of galleries made by the IPS beetle
what are y or h?
the most destructive defoliator in the US
what is the gypsy moth
the layer in which nutrients flow up to the leaves
what is the sapwood or xylem?
the most photosynthesis occurs in this
what occurs in the palisade layer?
the two parts of the stamen
what are the anther and filament?
the shape of the galleries of the southern pine beetle
what is s?
the year the gypsy moth was introduced to america
what is 1869?
the layer in which nutrients flow down from the leaves
what is the inner bark or phloem?
a waxy cuticle
what covers the upper epidermis?
contained in the pistil
where are the stigma, style and ovary?
an estimation of the size of a southern pine beetle
what is a grain of rice?
the only stage in which gypsy moths are harmful to trees
what is the caterpillar stage?