Who won Record of the Year at the Grammys?
Who is Billie Eilish
The ball drops in what city?
What is Times Square
Which gas makes fizzy drinks fizz?
What is Carbon Dioxide
Where is the 2022 winter Olympics being held?
What is Beijing, China
What is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache?
What is the King of Hearts
The US war with Afghanistan ended after how many years?
What is 22 years
What food drops in Georgia?
A peach
In order for a foodborne illness to be investigated as an outbreak, how many people need to report getting sick after eating the same food?
What is 2
What is the only indoor Winter Olympics sport that does not involve ice skates?
What is curling
Which company owns Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Porsche, and Ducati?
What is Volkswagen
What social media platform's users were largely responsible for driving up the price of GameStop stock?
What is Reddit
What state has the potato drop?
What is Idaho
What color are Chinese 1000-year-old eggs?
Dark green
What does the yellow ring of the olympics ring represent?
What is Asia
All scenes that take place within the Matrix have what color tint?
What is Green
A lawyer went viral after accidentally using a Zoom filter that turned him into what kind of animal?
What is a cat
Which state is the clam drop in?
(on the east side)
What is Maine
How many burgers does McDonald’s sell every second?
What is 75
What country has won both the most gold medals, and the most medals overall in the Winter Olympic Games?
What is Norway
What percentage of the River Nile is located in Egypt?
What is 22%
What does the “m” in “mRNA” stand for? (Moderna)
What is Messenger
What state drops an Acorn?
What is North Carolina
Which is the most stolen food in the world?
What is Cheese
Where were the first modern Olympic Winter Games held?
What is France
What was the first letter on the typewriter?
What is Q