Something done incorrectly
What is the name of the SEL platform we use in Gonzalez/ Huerta's classroom?
Second Step
External Roadblock
What subject does Mr. Gonzalez teach during the normal school year?
How many lines do we form when lining up?
The belief that your brain can grown and change.
Growth mindset
In what state was Juneteenth initially celebrated?
You are shy about an upcoming presentation.
Internal Roadblock
What subject does Mr. Huerta teach during the normal school year?
During independent reading, what voice level are students at?
Voice Level 0
Something that gets in the way of achieving our goals
Why is Juneteenth celebrated?
the day ALL Americans were freed from slavery
Your parents are dropping you off to school, but the car gets a flat tire causing you to be late to Huerta/Gonzalez's classroom.
External Roadblock
What does the abbreviations SEL stand for?
Social Emotional Learning
During direct instruction, if you need help. What do you do?
Wait until the teacher is done speaking
Instruction led by the teacher
Direct Instruction
In an attempt to reduce paper use, Mr. Huerta and Mr. Gonzalez have placed the assignments in this section in Microsoft TEAMS
Class Notebook
You don't believe in your abilities.
Internal Roadblock
What is the name of the principal at Yosemite Middle School?
Mrs. Horn
When entering the classroom, what voice level do students enter the classroom?
Voice level 1-2
The front part of the brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions such as memory, emotions, impulse control, problem solving, social interactions, and motor functions
A cell that send and receives information to the brain
Being unable to get straight As
Both internal and external roadblocks
What two areas are we learning in this class?
SEL and Literacy