What Happened Last Year?
Things We Learned About the Bible
Songs, Shows, and Games of 2022
Memes and Internet Trends of 2022

This Monarch passed away in September 8th of 2022, after ruling for over 70 years.

Who is Queen Elizabeth II


When the Prophet Elisha was being mocked by children for being bald, God called 2 of this animal from the wilderness to defend him.

What are bears?

This is the most popular web browser as of 2022, over %80 of people use it get online.

What is Google Chrome?


This famous Star Wars character was the protagonist of a self-titled Disney+ series in 2022 where he had to once again confront his nemesis and old friend Darth Vader.

Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?


This Vegetable was the subject of a viral TikTok in 2022. In the video a young boy sings about how much he loves it.

What is Corn?


Russia invaded this country in March of 2022, starting the first long lasting war in Europe since World War 2

What is Ukraine?

Jesus was joined by these 2 old testament prophets when he traveled to the top of a mountain with Peter, James, and John

Who are Moses and Elijah.


The population of humans on Earth reached this milestone number in 2022, which is higher than it has ever been in the history of the world.

What is 8,000,000,000

This song, originally released in 1985, saw a rise back to the top of the charts in 2022 thanks to a prominent appearance in Stranger Things.

What is Running up that Hill?


This slang term used to refer to a hotdog reached new heights of popularity in 2022 after appearing in several viral Tiktok videos.

What is Glizzy?


The 2022 Winter Olympics were held in this city. Making it the first city to ever host both a winter olympics and a summer olympics.

What is Beijing?


The Advent candles represent these 4 things which Jesus brought with him when he came to Earth.

What are Faith, Hope, Joy, and Love?


In 2022, the average American ate 39.4 pounds of this food which is usually used to top Pizzas.

What is cheese?


This VR game which released in 2022, is a sequel to a hit game with the same name in which armless space men try to discover who is the imposter.

What is Among Us VR.


Large groups of people dressed in full suits and other formal wear to watch this children's animated movie that released in July of last year.

What Is Minions: The Rise of Gru?


In September of 2022 NASA lanched a satelite into space to crash it into an asteroid and knock it off the course. The mission was a success. The satellite was named this, after a game piece that is thrown at a cork board.

What is DART


This Apostle was the brother of Peter, though he is more often paired together with Phillip when he is mentioned in the Bible.

Who is Andrew?


In 2022 it was discovered that the population of this large cat species was on the rise. It's estimated that there are over 5'000 of them in the wild now.

What are Tigers?


This Band, originally founded in 1994, released 4 EPs in 2022, titled after the 4 seasons of the year.

Who is Weezer?


This Movie, starring Jerod Leto, was hated by critics and move goers alike, but it found a second life as a meme. People online started talking about it ironically and calling it the greatest movie ever made.

What is Morbius?


This country won the 2022 FIFA World Cup which was held in Qatar.

What is Argentina?


This prophet is sometimes known as "the weeping prophet" because the people of Israel never listened to his messages from God.

Who is Jeremiah?


in 2022 a California man ate 10 of these hot peppers in 33 seconds, settting a record for the fastest time to do so.

What are Carolina Reapers


This famous singer sometimes called "The King" was the subject of a movie that chronicled his life and released in early 2022.

Who is Elvis?


In October of 2022 memes started spreading online of fake Halloween costumes that were marked as being sold from this seasonal retailer.

What is Spirit Halloween?
