Fostering self esteem/Independence in our kids
Parenting styles
Learning through play
Positive discipline
Developmental ages

When teaching kids how to do things you should

What is show them and help them at first, even if they make a mistake.


Name one of the 4 main parenting styles

Permissive- High responsiveness and low demands

Authoritative-high responsiveness and high demands, allows natural consequences to occur.

Neglectful-low responsiveness and low demands

Authoritarian-enforces strict rules without considering their child's feelings 


What are a couple key components to children socializing?

What are problem solving skills, language skills and imagination

True or false bribing kids is positive parenting

False-praising specific actions through words is most effective.  


What age does "stranger danger" set in with infants?

Typically around 5 to 6 months and become more intense from 7 to 10 months.  


Should you overly praise your child?

What is false, praise for what is earned.

Example:A child maybe naturally athletic or math comes easy, focus on how hard they worked, if they practiced a lot.  Use these phrases like "I see that you really put in a big effort to improve on practicing."


Name one of the four "C's" of parenting

Care, Consistency, Choices, and Consequences 

These lay the foundation for a child's mental well being. 


At what age do you typically see children playing next to each other, also called parallel play.

Typically around ages 2 and 3 and is part of learning to play process. 

They may imitate what they see, but still play alone


True or false-Kids are hardwired continually seek positive attention?

true, if children feel like they are lacking the positive reinforcement they will seek negative attention.


Why do toddlers experience the "terrible twos."

Typically toddlers struggle to be able to communicate which will cause frustration, melt downs, biting etc.  This has also been in children that struggle with speech even in preschool age children.  


How does self esteem start at infancy?

What is feeling safe, loved, and accepted.


What is a helicopter parent?

What is a parent overly involved.

Example) as a toddler the parent may constantly shadow and play with the child with redirecting rather then letting them explore on their own.  Unintentionally will be sending a message that they are unable to do something on their own. 


What is cooperative play?

What is playing with children rather then next to children.

Children between ages 3 to 4 sometimes younger will play with other children, take interest in what others are doing and use their imaginations together.


What does positive punishment mean?

It is about having a consequence for the behavior such as cleaning up the mess they made.


At what age does the first "critical period" start in the brain?

At the age of 2 the number of brain connections doubles it enables the brain to develop faster then any other point in life.

Experiences in this stage can have a lasting effects on their development.


Does creating boundaries with children create self esteem?

What is yes, children that have clear, consistent boundaries understand limits. Each age will have different boundaries.  This will also fall under routines that help them feel safe.


Will parenting styles be the same with every child?

No, each child will have different levels of needs, triggers and gifts.  


What do you think social play looks like for a 1 year old?

Eye contact, handing toys back and forth, babbling to someone, paying attention to surrounds


What does redirection mean

With a toddler if they are playing with something they shouldn't introduce them to something they can play with.

In older children give them options, for example if they have reached their limit of screen time you can give them options such as you can play outside or play with one of their toys.


At what age does speech typically develop?

Here are some of the brain development stages:

  • Week 3 post-conception – neuron production begins in the fetal brain.
  • At birth – the auditory system matures5.
  • 5 weeks – learning and memory formation.
  • 9 months – large motor skills.
  • 1 year 3 months – speech.
  • 1.5 years – fine motor skills.

Should children have chores?

What is yes, depending on the age and developmental abilities children who contribute to the home life feel like they have a deeper sense of belonging.   


What are come things you can do with different parenting styles with your partner?

Find common ground

Communicate regularly

Support each other and discuss what you like with each others style.


How much of the brain develops before Kindergarten?

What is 90%

With COVID many children were unable to develop critical skills due to lack of social play


What does "selective ignoring" mean?

Children can use attention seeking behavior, depending on the incident or situation it is OK to ignore the behavior so you are not reinforcing negative attention.


By the age of one about how many words do they know?

At age one, children recognize about 50 words; by age three, they recognize about 1,000 words; and by age five, they recognize at least 10,000 words (Shipley & McAfee, 2015).

 *reading as much as you can to your child will only increase their vocabulary words.
