Sloth is an animal that lives in the Tropical Evergreen Forests. True or False?
I am a plant that pandas love to eat me!
_______ are vital for human life because it provides a diverse range of resources. Fill in the blank.
Name the world's largest Tropical Evergreen Forest.
The Amazon Rainforest.
The annual temperatures of these forests are?
Is Babul a Tropical Evergreen tree?
Indian___1)____ and ___2)___ serve as temporary home to many migrant birds.
1) Forests
2) Wetlands
Name 3 major trees in the Tropical Evergreen Forests.
Ebony, Mahogany and Rosewood
Where are Tropical Evergreen Forests present?
Between the Tropics(The Tropic of Cancer and The Tropic of Capricorn)
Name some 2 methods of conserving forest resources.
Selective Logging,
Controlling Forest Fires,
Better farming practices,
Checking forest clearances for urbanisation.
India is home to how much percent of the world's flora?
What do the tall trees of the Tropical Evergreen Forest perform as and state its cause.
The tall trees of the Tropical Evergreen Forests form a canopy, which prevent the sunlight to penetrate and hit the ground.
The thick ground cover of the forest is characterized by climbers and what?
There are how many mega diversity spots in the world?
Define Fuelwood Harvesting.
Over-harvesting for domestic use or for commercial trade in charcoal significantly damages forests.
Name some 5 advantages of Conserving forests.
Reduce global warming, Absorb toxic gases & noise, reduce pollution, Conserve soil, Mitigate natural hazards such as floods & landslides, Purify water, provide wildlife habitat, Help in regulating hydrological cycles, store carbon and produce oxygen.
Name 5 of the places in India where the Tropical Evergreen Forest are?
Western Ghats(parts of Maharashtra), Karantaka and Kerela, the eastern Himalayas(Terai Region) and North-East India- Lushai, Garo, Khasi and Jayantiya known as the Assam hills, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
India accounts for how much percent of the total plant species in the world?
Why are the Forests called the 'Earth's Lungs'?
Forests store carbon & act as carbon sink, produce oxygen which is vital for existence of life on the earth, so they are rightly called as Earth's Lungs.
Name where are the Tropical Evergreen Forest present in the Western Ghats.
Tropical Evergreen Forest are found on the altitude ranging from 500 m to 1500 m on the windward or the western side of the Western Ghats.