This paid, progression-based rewards system is commonplace in battle royale video games.
What is a battle pass?
In which Tarantino film does a slave turn into a bounty hunter and gunslinger?
Django Unchained
These are the names of the blue jay and raccoon that star as the main characters of Cartoon Network's "Regular Show."
Mordecai and Rigby
This science-fantasy anime showcases characters that are trapped in a virtual reality MMORPG with the constant threat of permanent death if they die within the game.
Sword Art Online
These are the names of the three playable classes in Bungie's Destiny.
Hunter, Warlock, Titan
This actor played as the black-robed alchemist named Severus Snape in "Harry Potter."
Alan Rickman
Within the anime Dragon Ball: Z, this sorcerer villain's goal was to resurrect Majin Buu.
In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, this is the name of the infamous mission that takes place at an airport.
No Russian
In "Suicide Squad," this member is the Suicide Squad's computer hacker.
Who is Savant / Brian Durlin?
In Attack on Titan, Eren Yeager's training squad was this number.
(Ex. 1st, 9th, etc.)
Finish the sentence. In Far Cry 3, the villain Vaas Montenegro constantly asked "Do you know the definition of ____?"
The main character of The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen, was played by this actress.
Jennifer Lawrence
Nicky Jones
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In Pokemon, the show follows the journey of Ash Ketchum collecting Pokemon. What Pokemon was Ash's first catch?
Before the release of the official John Wick skin in Fortnite's "Season X," this was the name of the Season 1 skin that was widely dubbed "John Wick."
The Reaper
In Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, this is the name of the town Puss saved by defeating the giant in the beginning of the film.
Del Mar
In the Cartoon Network show Adventure Time, Jake's girlfriend Lady Rainicorn speaks this language without the use of a universal translator device.