What is this Scout term
First Aid

As an ____, I will do my best to –

  • Be ____ in my outdoor manners.
  • __ careful with fire.
  • Be considerate in the _____.
  • Be conservation minded.

What is American, clean, Be, outdoors?


What is Scout Spirit? 

What is Scout Spirit, is simple in concept: Live by the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. Meaning honor your God by whatever name you choose, and your country, extend your helping hand to others, and steadfastly improve yourself in body, mind, and principles.


How to treat: Simple Cuts and Scraps

What is wash minor scraps with soap and water, apply antibiotic ointment, then cover with a bandaid. 


Poison Ivy how to Identify?

What is climbing vine, three leaflets, hairy vine, is located in a woods area.


Buddy System is important because….

What is the buddy system helps ensure safety and accountability, and teaches Scouts to have responsibility for others. The buddy system is a key part of Scouting's Barriers to Abuse?


 On my ____ I will do my best to do my ___ to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law ; to ____ other people at all times; to keep _____ physically strong, mentally ____, and morally ____.

What is honor, duty, help, myself, awake, and straight?


What is the Outdoor code?

What is Outdoor Code is your promise to care for the environment and leave no trace.


How to treat: Severe Bleeding

What is call 911, put on gloves and apply pressure with a gauze, and treat for shock. 


Poison Oak how to Identify?

What is woody vine, three leaflets, lobed edges, located in woods are?


What do you do if you are lost in the woods?

What is stay clam and relax, think of how you got there, observe any landmarks or location you remember. 


A Scout is _____, loyal, helpful, friendly, ______, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, ____, clean, and ______.

What is trustworthy, courteous, brave, and reverent?


What is the Scout Law?

What is the Scout Law has 12 points. Each is a goal for every Scout. A Scout tries to live up to the Law every day. It is not always easy to do, but a Scout always tries.


How to treat: Choking

What is call 911, encourage them to cough up whatever is blocking the airway, if they can not cough it up provide assistance.


Poison Sumac, how to Identify?

What is small tree or shrub, has leaves from 7 to 13, no hair on stem, located in swampy/boggy areas. 


How do you stay safe hiking on a highway at night?

What is stay in a single file line, facing traffic, bright colored clothing, reflective vests, flashlights?


Scout Motto: Be _____

Scout Slogan: Do a ____ turn ____

What is Prepared, good, daily?


Why do we show the Scout Sign?

What is the scout sign is a sign we hold up to show reverence and respect.


How to treat: Poisoning 

What is call 911 or the poison help line 1-800-222-1222, treat victim for shock and monitor breathing, provide CPR if necessary, and if the victim vomits save it in a bowl because it can help the doctor identify the poison. 


Poisonous Leaf saying 

Leaves of ___ let them be 

What is three?


Explain the principles of leave no trace.

What is Plan Ahead and prepare, Dispose of Waste Properly , Leave what you find, Travel on camp durable surfaces, minimize campfire impacts, respect wildlife, be considerate to other visitors.


I ____ allegiance to the Flag of the United _____ of America, and to the _____ for which it stands, one Nation ____ God, indivisible, with liberty and ____ for all

What is pledge,States, Republic, under, justice 


What is the scout handshake?

What is extend your left hand to another Scout and firmly grasp their left hand. Made with the hand nearest your heart, the Scout handshake signifies friendship.


How to treat: Frostbite

What is call 911, get the person into dry clothing, place frostbitten area in warm water.


How do you know if a snake is venomous?

What is while most snakes have a triangular head, venomous snakes will have a more bulging look to them, especially along their jaws, because of their venomous sacks.


Explain the principles of tread lightly.

What is travel responsibility, respect the rights of others, educate yourself, avoid sensitive areas, do your part. 
