Premier livre?
First book?
What is Matthew?
Quel jour dieu a t il créé l'homme?
What day did God create man?
What is 6eme jour?
What is the 6th day?
Combien y a t il de livres dans la bible?
How many books are in the bible?
what is 66?
Qui a été la première personne appelée par Dieu?
Who was the first person called by God?
Who is Adam?
Où Jésus a-t-il transformé l'eau en vin?
Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
What is Le village de Cana?
Dernier Livre?
Last book?
What is Revelation?
A partir de quelle partie du corps d'adam dieu a t il créé eve?
From what part of Adam's body did God create Eve?
What is cote?
Quel est le livre le plus long de la bible?
What is the longest book in the bible?
What is Psalms?
Combien de personnes la Bible nomme-t-elle?
How many people does the Bible name?
What is 3,237?
Où était la première église?
Where was the first church?
What is Jerusalem?
Qui a écrit les Actes?
Who wrote Acts?
Who is Luke?
Qu’est ce qui a donné sa force au Sampson?
What gave Sampson his strength?
what is his hair?
Quel est le livre le plus court de la bible?
What is the shortest book in the Bible?
Qui est le peuple de Dieu?
Who are "the people of God?"
who are the Israelites?
Première ville mentionnée?
First city mentioned?
What is The land of Nod?
Comment Jésus est-il mort?
How did Jesus die?
What is crucifixion?
Combien de fils Jacob avait-il?
How many sons did Jacob have?
What is 12?
Combien y a t il de livres dans l’NT?
How many books are in the NT?
What is 27?
Qui a écrit 13 livres?
Who wrote 13 books?
où est né Jésus?
Where was Jesus born?
Avec quoi Jésus a -t -il nourri 5000 hommes?
What did Jesus feed the 5,000 men with?
What is bread and fish?
Qu’est ce que David utilise pour combattre Goliath?
What did David use to fight Goliath?
What is a stone and slingshot?
Combien y a t il de livres dans l’OT?
How many books are in the OT?
What is 39?
Auteur des 5 premiers livres de l'Ancien Testament?
Who is the author of the first 5 books in the Old Testament
Où est né Goliath?
Where was Goliath born?
What is Gath?