Disney Drama
Parli Pro
What's that Motion?
Faith Trust and Pixie Dust Special procedure
Background Guide Facts

What was the largest company that Disney acquired during the 1990s

ABC Company


Do you yield your time to the chair during a moderated caucus

No, only during speakers lists can you yield

How would you motion for a moderated caucus that is about "the economy"?

Ex: Motion for a 5 minute moderated caucus with a 30 second speaking time on the economy. 


What are the mini plays that we will put on for the delegates after they pass directives 



What is the name of the Disney era that our committee is about?

The Disney Renaissance


What was one of the main issues with the Disney movies and rides that was emphasized by advocacy groups around the US?


What are the 3 types of points a delegate can make?

Point of order, point of inquiry, and point of personal privilege. 


How would you motion for a unmoderated caucus

motion for a 5 minute unmoderated caucus


Why are we not considered a crisis committee?

Because we have no backroom


What are the 3 topics that are discussed in our committee?

What is Media, Internal Development and International Expansion?


What is one of the main reasons that the Walt Disney Company was in debt before our committee takes place?

Euro Disney


Rank the motions in order of most destructive to least destructive: Motion to recess, Motion for a moderated caucus, Motion to introduce directive. 

motion for a moderated caucus, motion for a moderated caucus, motion to introduce directive. 


What is the motion you make if the committee wants to go to lunch?

Motion to recess


What do delegates write during committee compared to typical resolutions?



What is the name of the line system that will be developed in 1998 that involves guests getting tickets for rides in order to join a shorter faster line?

Fast Pass


Who are the 2 main characters in our committee that have "opposite" opinions of where the Walt Disney Company should go?

Michael Eisner and Roy E Disney


How do you motion for a right of reply?

A delegate desiring the right of reply during a moderated caucus must wait until between speakers to request it. If the right of reply is granted, the time remaining in the caucus is paused. The Chair’s decision whether to grant a right of reply is not subject to appeal. A delegate granted the right of reply shall have the opportunity to address the group with a time limit set at the Chair’s discretion.


How would you motion to introduce directives to the floor?

Motion to introduce directives to the floor (No Q&A or reading period) 


Motion to suspend the rules to introduce working papers with a 1 minute presentation period (Still no Q&A or Reading Period)

Describe the function of a motion of Impeachment?

Similar to a motion of the division of the question where when passed debate will be focused on whether a certain character will be impeached. If the said person is impeached there will be a new character that is replaced with a new character bio provided by the dias


What are the Disney Theme Parks that are being built during the duration of our committee

Animal Kingdom, California Adventure, Disney Studios in Euro Disney, Tokyo Disney Sea

What company owns the majority of Tokyo Disney and Tokyo Disney sea?

The Oriental Land Company

List these out in order of most destructive to least destructive: 10 minute mod with a 30 second speaking time, 10 Minute unmod, 10 minute mod with 1 minute speaking time?

10 minute unmod, 10 minute mod with a 30 second speaking time, 10 minute mod with a 1 minute speaking time. 


How would you motion to vote on the directives that have already been introduced?

Motion to enter voting procedure -> Then we vote and automatically list off each directive and ask for favor and opposed and abstentions 


What type of committee is our committee... Technically

Hybrid Crisis-Specialized committee. 


What are the 2 movies/media presentations that are being created by the Walt Disney Animation Studio that are mentioned in our background guide? 

Fantasia 2000 and Tarzan
