Which are the bio molecules that provide energy?
GlĂșcids (carbohydrates) and lipids (fats)
Which is the biggest organ of the digestive tube
The stomach
What is amylase?
The enzyme that digests starch in the mouth Thanks to de saliva
What is the part shared by digestive and respiratory sistems?
The pharynx
How is called the movement of the rib cage that allows the gas exchange?
If you are going to run a marathon in two days, what type of dish you would eat?
Carbohydrates in a pasta dish
What is a sphincter?
A muscular vale that connects two segments of the digestive tube
What is the function of bile?
Emulsify fats
What comes after the larynx?
The trachea
Where does gas exchange take place?
In the alveoli
What is the microbiote?
All the microorganisms that live with us and help us to be healthier
Which are the glands that provide digestive substances?
Salivary, liver, and pancreas
Mention Two locations and two enzymes to digest proteins
The stomach with the pepsin and the duodenum with tyrosine from the pancreas
What are bronchiolous?
The tubes in which the bronchi branches out
How does ventilation occur?
By contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.
Which type of food can give you the most complete set of nutrients?
Nuts and legumes as they are seeds of future plants that have to feed the embryo before being able to photosynthesize
Which are the segments of the small intestine?
Duodenum, jejunum and ileum
What is peristalsis?
It is the movement of the digestion substance through the digestive tube thanks to the contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles
How many layers of cells does an alveolus have?
Just one
What is the effect of the increase of volume of the lungs?
The pressure inside the alveoli lowers and the air enters due to the atmospheric pressure now higher than inside the lungs
What are vitamins?
Small organic molecules mainly provided by plants that are indispensable for our metabolism
What is the Odi Sphincter?
The valve that open the way to bile and pancreatic juices
Where and how are fats absorbed?
In the villi of the small intestine by the limphatic capillary
What is the name of the membranes that surround the lungs and connect to the thoracic cage?
The pleura
What is the function of the surfactant?
To lower the surface tension of the water surrounding the interior of the alveoli. Therefore the gas exchange is facilitated