Healthy Eating
Healthy Hygiene
Healthy Bodies
Unhealthy Choices

The name of the five food groups 

What is Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods and Dairy. 


How often should you get dental check-ups? 

a. When your mom shrieks that she can see the velvet on your teeth.

b. Once every 6 years

c. Every 6 months 

d. When there is candy stuck in your teeth

What is C?


It is recommended you exercise for ___ minutes daily.

What is 60 minutes? 


Name two mindful activities. 

Any of the following: What is Yoga, Meditation, Walking, Breathing techniques? 


Doing this before bed strains the eyes and disrupts sleep. 

What is looking at your phone/screen/ being on technology? 


You should eat this many cups of vegetables daily.  

What is 2-3 Cups? 


What two things can you do to greatly reduce bad breath?

a. Floss and brush your teeth

b. Exercise and eat healthy foods 

c. Use mouthwash when it stinks, no need to brush

d. See your dentist every 6 years & only brush before your visit 

What is A? 


You should sleep this many hours per night. 

What is 8-9 hours per night. 

List two benefits of Mindfulness. 

What is Ease anxiety, helps concentration, improves sleep, reduces stress, improves quality of relationships? 


Not drinking ____ will affect your memory, kidneys, motivation, and temperature regulation. 

What is water?


This food group is good for your bones and teeth. 

What is Dairy Products? 


Three places on your body that produces body odor. 

What is armpits, feet and hair. 


These are the 5 senses.

What are sight, smell, taste, touch, and hear?


An activity that inches posture, breathing, control uses subtle forces, cleansing the body-mind, visualizations, chanting of mantras, and many forms of meditation. 

What is Yoga?


True or False: If I want to be healthy, I can NEVER drink soda or eat cake. 

What is False?

- Moderation is key! You can still eat snack foods, just not all the time! 


Name one food that is a grain. 

Possible answers: What is rice, cereal, pasta, bread..? 


True or False: Clothing does not need to be washed unless it is visibly soiled and stained. 

What is False? (Skin cells and germs are not visible to the eye; they mix with bacteria and cause odor.)


How many times do we need to see a doctor in a year for a check-up? 

What is once a year? 


What are activities you can do to recharge your body?

Answers vary: What is..

-taking a nap

-eating a healthy snack 

-socialize with friends/family



Healthy or unhealthy? 

Sitting on the couch for hours at a time.

What is unhealthy?

- Even if your body has been exercised earlier in the day, your body needs to move throughout the day to keep your muscles healthy. 


True or False: Cinnamon is a strong antioxidant that helps eliminate toxins from the body.

What is True? 


What is personal hygiene a good prevention of? 

a. Tooth decay 

b. Diseases & sickness 

c. Losing hair 

d. looking ugly 

What is B?


An activity you can do to improve your lungs and the strength of your legs. 

Possible answers: What are skating, running, playing soccer, dancing, etc? 

What is the most important part of your body?

What is the brain?


It’s Halloween. Instead of eating my entire bag of candy, what should I do to make a healthier choice? 

Answers Vary: What is…

- Eat a little bit of candy per day! 

- Save some for later. 

- Share it with friends. 
