Eli and Hannah
Samuel the prophet
Ark of the covenant
The ark returned!
A new king

How many wives did Elkanah have and who was unable to bear children?




What did the man of God tell Eli about his sons, Hophni and Phineas?


Who did the Lord say he would raise up instead?

They would both die on the same day.

Eli knew about his sons' sins but didn't restrain them.

A faithful priest: Samuel


After the Philistines defeated the Israelites, what did the elders of Israel decide to do with the ark?

And what happened when they brought it there?

They brought it from Shiloh to their camp.

All Israel shouted and the ground shook.


What did the Philistines ask the ark after it had been with them for 7 months?

And what kind of offering did the priest tell the Philistines to send back with the ark?

What shall we do with the ark of the covenant?

A GUILT offering


What were the people of Israel to do to return to the Lord with all their heart?

Get rid of all foreign Gods.

Commit themselves to the Lord.

Serve the Lord only.


Where did Elkanah go to worship the Lord and what did he do there?


Offered sacrifies and worshipped the Lord


Who finally realized the Lord was calling Samuel?



When the Israelites brought the ark to camp.. what happened to the ark?

And what did the town of Shiloh do when they heard about this?

It was captured by the Philistines.

They sent up a cry.


What guilt offering were the Philistines supposed to send back with the ark?

5 gold tumors and 5 gold rats


What happened to the Israelites throughout Samuel's lifetime?


The hand of the Lord was against them

They continued


What did Elkanah give to Hannah on the day of sacrifice?


a double portion of meat

He loved her and she could not have any childre


How did the Lord reveal himself to Samuel?

Through the Lord's word.

What 3 news did the Benjamite soldier bring to Eli?

What happened to Eli after he heard this horrible news?

The army suffered many losses.  Hophni and Phineas died in battle.  The ark of the covenant had been captured.

He fell backward off his chair and broke his neck.


What kind of cows were supposed to lead the cart with the ark?

What would it mean if the cart went toward Beth Shemeth or not?

Two that had calves but had never been yoked (weaned)

That is was the Lord who had brought the tumors and rats upon the Philistines and if not it was just chance.


What towns that had been captured by the Philistines were returned to Israei?

Towns from Ekron to Gath


What did Hannah tell God she would do if he gave her a son?

What did she name her son?

When did Hannah present her son to the Lord?

Give him back to God


After he was weaned


What did Samuel finally say after the Lord?

Speak, your servant is listening.


What happened to Dagon the first and second morning after the people of Ashod put the ark in Dagon's temple?

What other bad thing happened to the Ashod people?

Dagon's arm fell off then he lost his head after falling to the ground.

Tumors and rats


WHen the cart arrived at Beth Shemeth what did the people do and what did they do with the cart and cows?

They rejoiced.

They sacrificed them.


How long did Samuel continue to lead Israel?

Who did Samuel TRY to appoint as the new leaders of Israel and did it work?

For all the days of his life.

His sons...NO because they were more sinful than Eli's sons.


Finish this verse:

"For the eyes of the Lord are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord..."

And what is the verse reference?

is against those who do evil

1Peter 3:12


Finish this verse: "Those who honor me...

Name the bible reference.

I will honor, but those who despise me, I will disdain."

1 Samuel 2:30d


Finish this verse: "There is no one holy like the Lord"..

Name the bible reference:

there is no one besides you, there is no one like our Lord."

1 Samuel 2:2


Finish this verse: "Your ways, God...

name the verse reference

"are holy.  What God is as great as our God?"

Psalm 77:13


Who did the Israelites want to be over them?

What did the Lord tell the Israelites about this new person?

A king.

He would claim their best fields, vineyards, and olive groves as His own.
