Classic Nintendo
Children's Literature
Classic Films
Historical Events
US Government and History

Nintendo's most popular mascot

Who is Mario?


This story about a young girl from Kansas who gets sucked in by a tornado and taken to a magical world where she adventures with others to overcome her and their issues

What is the Wizard of Oz? 


Disney's first animated feature

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? 


The war in France caused by the anger of the lower classes of society due to high taxes and their treatment by the other classes (estates) 

What is the French Revolution? 


The head of the federal government in the United States

What is POTUS? 


This character, originally a villain, made his debut in a game which he captures a girl and hurls barrel down against the protagonist who races to save her

Who is Donkey Kong? 


A story about a pig who is sold to a famer and a spider who does everything she can to save the pig's life

What is Charlotte's Web? 


This space opera created by George Lucas introduced audiences to one of the most memorable villains of all time

What is Star Wars?


This period of time means rebirth in French. It refers to a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom. 

What is the Renaissance? 


The only man to serve as POTUS and Chief justice of SCOTUS

Who is Howard Taft? 


One of the darker villain's in Metroid- is known as a space pirate that killed Samus' parents

Who is Ridley? 


The classic Dr. Seuss book only uses 50 different words and is one of the more popular Dr. Seuss books 

What is Green Eggs and Ham? 


This film that features Leonardo DoCaprio and Kate Winslet is a romantic film about a real life event that occurred over 85 years before the film came out

What is The Titanic? 


This bacteria y. pestis also known by another name is known to have killed millions of people during the Dark Ages

What is the Black Death? 


this date would live on for infamy according to former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

When is December 7, 1941? 


The sword-sword of Evil's Bane-is often used by Link to defeat Ganon

What is the Master Sword? 


This story is about 4 children who go to live with a eccentric professor during World War 2 in London until they go through a wardrobe and are taken to a magical world ruled by a benevolent ruler named Aslan and help him defeat the witch 

What is the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? 


This film's protagonist, also name of the show and the name of a television series, is a dwarf character that uses luck to defeat a evil sorceress and keep her from killing a young infant child that is destined to stop her

Who is Willow? 


This is the date CS Lewis died and was also the date John F. Kennedy was shot

When is November 22, 1963?

Until 9/11 this was the most horrific attack committed on US soil- an act committed by 2 US citizens unhappy with government-

What is the Oklahoma City Bombing? 


This game often paired up with the original Mario Bros. game involves you as a character shooting ducks and having a dog laugh at you if you miss too many times

What is Duck Hunt? 


This children's story is about a young boy who escapes in a giant peach to escape his abusive aunts

What is James and the Giant Peach? 


This date only occurs once or twice a year and has a horror film series dedicated to it which stars Jason Voorhees as the main villain

What is Friday the 13th? 


This became the first state to ratify the US constitution

What is Delaware? 


This person was the first President to be impeached and missed conviction by one vote-he was impeached for his firing of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton 

Who is Andrew Johnson? 
