Africa and African History
Amazing Scientists
The Caribbean Islands
Slave Rebellions
R&B Crooners - Who Sang This?

This country in North Africa is famous for its pyramids and was once called Kemet when ruled by black Pharoahs.

What is Egypt?


This astrophysicist is one of the most renowned black scientists of the 21st century.

Who is Neil deGrasse Tyson?


The first independent country in the West Indies founded by people of African descent, won independence through the efforts of Jean-Jacques Dessalines in 1804 after the slave rebellions led by Toussaint L'ouverture.

What is Haiti?


This 1831 rebellion, organized by an enslaved preacher in Virginia, was the bloodiest to both white and black people. During a day-long rampage, the rebels killed at least 55 white people.

What was the Nat Turner Rebellion?


Leave the Door Open (with Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak)

Who is Silk Sonic?


This country is famous for apartheid, Bishop Desmond Tutu and President Nelson Mandela.

What is South Africa?


This engineer/physician/astronaut was the first black woman to orbit the earth in 1992. An honorary AKA, she has appeared on Star Trek and worked with Michelle Obama to encourage girls to enter the sciences.

Who is Mae Jemison?


The only socialist republic in the West Indies, this country gained independence in 1902 and was ruled by Fidel Castro between 1959 to 2008. Much of its economy is based on Russian subsidies. It is famous for its cigars... and Ricky Ricardo.

What is Cuba?


On October 16, 1859, John Brown and a group of 22 others stormed this U.S. military arsenal in Virginia. A fervent white  abolitionist, John Brown sought to capture the weapons, inspire local enslaved people to join his cause, and arm them in a military uprising.

What is Harper's Ferry?


Tonight (Best You Ever Had)

Who is John Legend?


This is one of the only two countries in Africa that was never colonized. Its last ruling Emperor was Haile Selassie who was deposed in 1974. It was also the home of the biblical Queen of Sheba.

What is Ethiopia?


This woman, made famous in the movie Hidden Figures, performed the calculations that enabled NASA to send man to the moon.

Who is Katherine Johnson?


On October 12, 1492, Italian explorer/rapist Christopher Columbus made landfall on this island, which is now a very popular tourist destination for many cruise lines. The country gained independence from Great Britain in 1973.

What is the Bahamas?


As a major port on the east coast, this city had one of the largest enslaved populations in the colonies in the early 1700s. In 1712, nine white settlers were killed by 23 enslaved men who burned buildings near the city's slave market. After the rebellion was quelled the guilty men were burned at the stake.

What is New York City?


Dance with My Father

Who is Luther Vandross?


This phrase refers to a period between 1881-1914  in which Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Germany carved up Africa for colonization.

What is the Scramble for Africa?


This physicist, executive, and champion of science education and the arts, was the first black director of the Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and the 10th president of Morehouse College. He was also a Brown University College Dean, and was most recently president of the School of the Arts Institute in Chicago.

Who is Walter E. Massey?


From 1655 until the end of the slave trade, this country was the landing point for the entry of slaves into the West Indies. In the 1900's, Marcus Garvey formed the first political party, and later, the Rastafari Movement was born. Independence from Great Britain came in 1962.

What is Jamaica?


In 1811, more than 500 enslaved people armed with knives, guns, and farm tools rebelled in this area of Louisiana. Fueled by the success of the Haitian Revolution, the highly organized group planned to establish an independent black state. They were felled by a local militia and U.S. troops, who brutally punished the fighters. The Uprising in this area was the largest slave revolt in United States history.

What is the German Coast?


On the Wings of Love

Who is Jeffrey Osborne?


This amazing city at the southern edge of the Sahara Desert was the crown of the Mali and Songhai empires in the 14th-16th centuries, renowned for trade of salt, gold, ivory and slaves, and its university which attracted Muslim scholars.

What is Timbuktu?


This Bell Labs Scholar was the first black woman ever to be granted a PhD from MIT, in the field of nuclear physics. At Bell Labs, she worked on semiconductor materials, while teaching at Rutgers. After holding a management position at Bell Labs, she went on to become the president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1999 and served for 23 years.

Who is Shirley Ann Jackson?


Plantations growing this crop were started by the Portuguese in Sao Vincente in the 1550s and dominated nearly every West Indian island in the 18th - 19th centuries. Windmills were invented to refine the crop, and it is the basis of Jamaica's Captain Morgan's Rum.

What is sugar?


This was the most significant slave revolt in the Southern Colonies. On September 9, 1739, around twenty African-born enslaved people with military experience and led by a slave named Jeremy, seized guns and ammunition from a local store, killing the storekeepers and nearby planter families. The rebels then began a march to the Spanish colony of Florida where they would be freed in exchange for service in the militia. Over 100 men joined the rebellion and 20 white colonists were killed.

What was the Stono Rebellion?


Too Much, Too Little, Too Late (with Deniece Williams)

Who is Johnny Mathis?
