Lending our names
The many names of Red Spider
Unbelieveable Adventures
Two of a Kind
Haiku Clue

If AJ Kristos's alter ego endorsed a line of these secure containers that soldiers in barracks often use.

What is a Firewalker Footlocker?

This is the real name of a visitor from the future who took on the name Red Spider for a time - though in her time, she was just Spyder.

Who is Jessa Thompson?


When Edgar Cryderman altered history, the Adventurers gained a clue about timeline changes from this iconic 19th century president.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


Two Adventurer heroes named for this wily hunting mammal.

Who are Fox and Blue Fox?


I'd fear the magnet / as it draws my iron forth / but I can't feel fear

Who is Scatha 5?


Name of a hypothetical product that blends our robot member's name with that of a popular citrus drink - easy to do when they already share a word.

What is Scatha 5 Alive?


Don't make her hungry. You wouldn't like Cass hungry when she turns into this.

What is the spider monster?


Was it just a dream? If it was, the Adventurers shared the same one of meeting and saving this holiday figure.

Who is Santa Claus?


These two heroes both have control of electricity.

Who are Joule and Voltage.


Eliciting shock / Less from electricity / More from my tongue lash

Who is Joule?


If Riley Holt's alter ego backed a line of paper products, including these O-shaped stickies used to keep hole-punched paper from slipping out of a binder.

What is a Courser Reinforcer?


Cass began her hero career with this code name, referencing the sword she had bought from a flea market to bring on patrol with her.

Who is Slash?


Blue Fox, Joule, and Rubber Bullette allowed themselves to be captured and stored in this Cretoan antagonist's digitizer, where they experienced the cyber plane.

Who is Lord Aurum?


These two heroes are both bird-themed.

Who are Azure Hawk and Osprey.


My true name's my act / My color is second best / Yet I'm first in leaps

Who is Silver Hare?


***If Stanley Jacobs loaned his hero name to a building company with a similar play on the end of both words.

What is Tungstan Construshan?


When the other Red Spider, Cass's nearly identical clone, took on a new identity, she became this - a sometimes predator of spiders.

Who is Dragonfly?


The Adventurers faced the devil himself to try to rescue this founding member, who had died abroad a few months before.

Who is Fox?


These two heroes can have metal skin - but only one of them by choice.

Who are Tungstan and Mantle.


I was born for this / My truest hero's act's to / bear treason's label

Who is Osprey?


If a special fifty-cent piece were commissioned with the alter ego of Cassandra Olsen.

What is a Webcrawler Half-dollar?


In an alternate reality, Cass is a cruel criminal and assassin with this code name - adding a hard sound onto the start of the 'good' Cass's code name at the time they clashed.

Who is Dread Spider?


Spyder brought warning from the future that this extra-dimensional lord of horror was walking around in disguise as a human, while he and his cult prepared to invade Earth.

Who is Xagrim?


These two heroes both bring firepower, but they do so very differently.

Who are Firewalker and Stinger.


Comfort and riches? / Upon a chilly zephyr / comes the hero's choice

Who is Windchill?
