This should be done everyday before you start your sessions
Confirm with staff that the session will occur
review the data in catalyst
This piece of paper (or digital) is needed before you provide supervision or receive supervision when one is pursuing a BCBA certification
A contract (supervisors can also delineate additional expectations as appropriate)
These are 3 persons with whom you can coordinate care
Physicians Primary Care, Psychiatrists, Neurologists
Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists
This is when reports have to be turned in for review
One month prior to the authorization expiration for Cal Optima and other funding sources
15 days prior to the authorization expiration for MHN
This is what needs to be done when you begin to supervise an RbT and when you no longer supervise an RbT
register them on the BACB add them or delete them
You should remind staff to do this when they inform you via text or call that a cancel has occurred
E mail the office with the scheduling cancel template and cc your supervisory team
This is the percentage of supervision that is required per month for supervision of a BCBA candidate (standard) or an RbT
5% supervision
This is how often coordination of care is required
At least once a reporting period
This is when assessments other than the Vineland are needed
For Vineland scores which reflect adequate across the domains
This is what happens when you need to change hours requested mid reporting period
You have to complete an addendum
This is what you need to do when a staff is not responding to your attempts to make contact
You need to document attempts via e mail and contact the office to have them attempt to reach out to the staff
This is where you should refer a supervisee with questions related to the BACB policies
You do this if you do not get a response from someone who you are attempting to coordinate care for a client with
Document efforts, fax materials in
at least one of the things you need to verify with a parent before you make recommendations for the next 6 months
Hours for the next reporting period, where services will occur, if schedule remains the same, plan to maximize hours
You can find access to one of these journals under the resource tab on the BACB website
The Analysis of Verbal Behavior (full text is unavailable for the most recent year's issues)Behavior Analysis in Practice (full text is unavailable for the most recent year's issues)
Behavior Modification
Behavioral Interventions
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
Perspectives on Behavior Science
You need to do this if you cannot get hold of a family
Document each attempt 3 times to text e mail and call
Send the documented attempts to the office and they will follow up
At least one of the ethical requirements for supervision
Must be positive, must be within the scope of knowledge of the supervisor
Before you coordinate care you need this which should be updated how frequently?
An updated Release of Information once a year
This is when transition should be discussed with a family
On an ongoing basis
p 9.
This template must be completed as needed and each month in order to review with office staff
Staffing needs template
This is how you maximize your schedule in Aloha!
Search client and add to the schedule, start with the earliest times available and plan to maximize hours based on your entire caseload schedule
These are the 2 requirements for a supervisor who is a 1st year BCBA prior to supervising a candidate for their BCBA cert?
8 hour supervision course
Supervision must be overseen by an experienced BCBA
At least 2 reasons we coordinate care
to align services
to ensure that we are in agreement with levels of service
to update medical information as needed
it is required by the BACB and by insurance companies
What percentage should supervision occur when compared to paraprofessional?
This is what you should do if a client and their family are requesting to graduate from ABA
Speak with the family, review data, speak with other professionals E mail Clinical Directors and they will consult with you on the process