List 3 ways Depression can affect a person's life
A messy room, bad hygiene, no motivation, loss of appetite, feeling excessive sadness all the time, crying more than usual, social isolation, and mood swings, leads to suicide, and low self-esteem.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
True or false, people with Dependent Personality Disorder move on quickly after someone has left them.
Inflated ego or sense of self-importance
What is narcissism?
Children don't experience mental health problems.
Myth, even very young children may show early warning signs of mental health concerns. These mental health problems are often clinically diagnosable, and can be a product of the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.
List 2 ways you can treat depression
Therapy, Antidepressants, focusing on self-care, exercising.
Causes of Schizophrenia
When untreated, Dependent Personality Disorder can lead to these types of Disorders.
What are Panic Disorders?
Strategy used to manipulate by making the victim feel like they are going insane
What is gaslighting?
People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable.
The vast majority of people with mental health problems are no more likely to be violent than anyone else. Most people with mental illness are not violent and only 3%–5% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness.
True or False: Is seasonal Depression a real feeling
Cures for Schizophrenia
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/ Group Therapy/ Antipsychotic Drugs
This type of therapy can be used to help treat Dependent Personality Disorder.
What is Psychotherapy?
Denying one's own flaws and blaming others for own mistakes
What is projecting?
I can help a mentally unhealthy person.
Fact, friends and loved ones can make a big difference. In 2020, only 20% of adults received any mental health treatment in the past year, which included 10% who received counseling or therapy from a professional.
Divorce, childbirth, losing a job, friend break-ups, bullying.
Types of Hallucinations seen be Schizophrenics
The most common cause of Dependent Personality Disorder is this.
What is abusive relationships?
Abusive/manipulative strategy in which they will act as if they are just like you in order to minimize abuse
What is narcissistic mirroring?
Therapy and self-help are a waste of time. Why bother when you can just take a pill?
Both, treatment for mental health problems varies depending on the individual and could include medication, therapy, or both.
Causes of the Long Term depression
Lack of Serotonin
Types of Schizophrenia
Paranoid/ Hebephrenic/ Catatonic/ Undifferentiated/ Residual/ Simple/ Unspecified
Dependent Personality Disorder is this type of Disorder.
What is a Personality Disorder?
Narcissistic strategy in romantic relationships which involves giving extra attention or affection to form a toxic attachment
What is love bombing?
Prevention for mental illness can work.
Fact, prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders focuses on addressing known risk factors such as exposure to trauma that can affect the chances that children, youth, and young adults will develop mental health problems