Who played Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Game Movie Franchise
Jennifer Lawrence
What the next line to this lyric
"I can buy myself flowers, Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours Say things you don't understand..."
I can take myself dancing
Which famous rapper was Kim Kardashian married too?
Kanye West
What does this Logo stand for
What movie is the line from
"I'll be back"
The terminator
Where is Harry Styles from?
The United Kingdom
What is this Social Media App?
Is a Tomato a Fruit or a vegetable
Name this character:
A superhero who wears a suite that gives him powers and abilities (including he can fly)
Iron Man
Who famously wore a dress made of meat to the MTV Awards?
Lady Gaga
Who is this Handsome Dog?
Queen Elizabeth II is linked with which breed of dog?
What is this movie?
Who is this Band
What is this Social Media App?
Who sings the song "Say So" that's behind the popular TikTok dance?
Dojo Cat
What is the Highest Grossing movie of all time
Who sang the Song "What Makes you Beautiful"
One Direction
What is the Largest Social Media Platform?