Which email should you send from and cc when sending a FCFS notification email on the NOTIFY board?
NOTIFY@chrobinson.com - DO NOT cc FOAPPTS
Scheduled with name and how scheduled are required fields.
True or False: SWB stands for swimming while breathing?
FALSE - Schedule when booked (only email or request via phone call once the carrier has been booked on the load)
When is assign by out of SLA?
When the load at the top of assign by (ordered by orig appt assign d/t) was assigned more than 24 hours ago and has not yet been appt tried
What is the name of Wendy's dog in Peter Pan?
What is the auto-replace you should use starting at 12:00PM on the tomorrow board?
#NOTSET - FYI - load picks up tomorrow & appt(s) aren't set. We're continuing to attempt. Thanks!
It is acceptable to reply to a HOT elog with AM/CAS or #REQ.
FALSE - those strings cause elogs to fall off of our alerts board losing visibility
When working the assign by task, what should your activity date range be?
One month back through two months out.
What all should be done when asking "please advise" in an elog?
Adding FOAPPTS or NOTIFY to the contacts so we can see the response and appt try MI (or A/H/BP depending on the situation)
What U.S. city is the setting of The Princess and The Frog?
New Orleans
When should you use a blind template? What is the hot key for pulling up the blind template?
When the stop is marked blind (orange with a different customer and city filled out)
Ctrl + Windows + F
If someone emails FOAPPTS or NOTIFY asking for an ETA, our team should elog asking for the ETA and forward the email to commercial.
TRUE - Those emails should be forwarded to the commercial team unless an ETA is already provided in the elog of the load.
What is our call-back number?
(877) 418-6233
After how many appointment tries should you elog and ask for a better contact?
3 - Starling auto-replace:
AM/CAS - 3+ attempts (VM) with no response. Please advise additional contact information
In Monsters Inc, what is the code for a white sock?
What is the hot key for a standard starling email?
Ctrl + Windows + Alt + A
An 'A' appointment try can be the last thing you do if you are on the 2-5 board.
FALSE - No matter what board you're on, appointment trying 'A' with no elog or attempt to google is not acceptable.
What should you do if you are working an email and the appointment is already set in the load for the same date and time?
Appointment try 'EM' with "Completed" in the notes.
What if FOAPPTS is added to the elog but is not the appointment rep?
Reply to the elog that ____ team is assigned to the appointment and remove FOAPPTS from the elog. (Anyone on the team can do this, it does not have to be an OC or LOC)
What are the names of Cinderalla's evil step-sisters?
Anastasia and Drizella
What is the hot key to edit an existing starling template?
Ctrl + Windows + Alt + F
You should appointment try 'H' when a load needs to be flipped to a different team based on warehouse notes.
FALSE - Tag an OC/LOC in a teams chat to flip to the correct scheduling team. No appointment try required.
How many different states does our team represent (including supervisors)?
What is the order of fields in the load we should pull scheduling contact information from?
PU/DELV notes > Warehouse notes > W-Code contacts (upper left corner)
What is the name of Andy's neighbor in Toy Story?