How many cards do you get points for daily?
What tool can you use if a patient has a language or hearing barrier?
Tablet with translator
Where do you dispose a medication vial that still has medication in it?
Blue bin unless hazardous then black bin.
Co-Band can be used on multiple patients.
False. It is single use
What is the very first question that you would need to ask if someone admits to having thoughts of suicide.
Actual Location
What days are double point days?
First of every month
When there is an active shooter on the premises this code is called
Active Shooter. (There is no color to this code it is called in plain language)
What is the dating once an MDV vial is opened?
28 days and you need to intial the vial once opened.
You can wipe down patient rooms with sani-cloth (gray top) wipes
False. You should use the Cavi wipes (white tops). Gray tops are used for electronic devices and ultrasound probes.
What is the new National three-digit number for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
How often can you set your interest to get points?
What are the appropriate steps when a patient falls in the clinic?
File a verge event
What is the BUD of a medication once it is compounded by a nurse?
4 Hours
What is the easiest way to help keep our patients safe?
Practicing good hand hygiene
True or False: If you receive a call and someone says they are thinking of suicide, it is okay to transfer them to someone more qualified if I do not feel well equipped.
False: Never transfer a call, instead get help from someone close by. You can waive your HELP sheet, Teams someone, or have your neighbor get someone for you. Transferring a call can get disconnected, give the impression that we do not have time for them or do not care, or cause a person to have to retell their painful story.
How many points do you have to get to receive the $50/month for the 2025 premium discount?
Where is your emergency kit located?
In Storage Room (Railroad)
In Lab Room (Brush)
Where can you get phytonadione 5mg tablet?
From the hospital pharmacy. Just reach out to any of the staff and we will get you some.
True or False: It is important to label sample containers prior to obtaining samples from patients
If you encounter someone within the hospital who is thinking of suicide, the best course of action is to...
Walk them to the Emergency Room
What ways can you earn points? List a minimum of 3 answers
steps, tracking sleep, daily cards, journeys, challenges, tracking calories, favoriting a recipe, Whil sessions
What 4 things do you need to document when using an interpreter?
A. Type of interpreter used, such as VRI, telephone, or in-person staff or agency.
B. Interpreter name or identification Number
C. Communication aids used
D. Nature of communication
Where can patients dispose of home medications?
Remove drugs from original containers and mix with something undesirable (coffee grounds, dirt, cat litter). Put mixture in a something you can close and throw it in the trash. There also is a flushing list for medications that could be especially harmful to others. Brush PD also takes home medications
This type of report should be created when an unexpected event happens that could harm a patient (regardless of whether it reaches the patient or not).
A verge report
True or False: Statistics show that over half of all those who commit suicide were seen in a health care setting within 30 days of taking their own lives.