Country vs city
What time does Stacey get up?
What is the title of the film in which Olaf is a character?
Who is Marge?
Simpsons' mum
What does Stacey do before she has breakfast?
She feeds the animals
What colour is Snow White's hair?
Is Arthur good at History?
No, he isn't.
What does Angela's mum have?
a pet shop
In which film is Amidala a princess?
STar Wars
What does Kate BROWN COLLECT?
What time does Angela go to bed?
Who is Meh?
An emoji
Man's head, Lion's body, who is it?
Egyptian sphynx
What does Angela do after feeding the animals?
She visitis a friend
What colour is Cinderella's hair?
Which creature has the tail of a fish?
a Mermaid