name 3 ways to cook a egg .
scrambled , boiled ,dip dip,potch
how many sounds in space ?
non 0
name 3 phone brands .
Android , appel ,samsumg
on netflix what am i waching at the moment ?
The loud house
Answer: on a clock.
how long do you have to cook a pavlova for ?
1 hour
wich is the only planet to spin clock wise ?
Venus is the only planet that spins clockwise!
how may devices does daddy own ?
if you said 10 or over you are correct
what movie did we all what and all cried at ?
What has one eye but cannot see? Answer: Needle.
Answer: Needle.
name 5 chocolate brands .
ferrero Rocher , cadbury's ,
Guylian ,Patchi ,Toblerone
one day on venus is how many months on earth ?
one day on Venus is almost as long as 8 months on Earth.
true or false appel was founded on april 2 1966?
false April 1, 1976
name 5 tv show binging with s .
i will tell if you are correct .
I have keys but no locks. What am I?
Answer: keyboard/piano.
name the ingredents to make a viniller cake ??????
egg , butter,suger, flower, vinlar exstract
how long can foot prints last for on space ?
Footprints on the Moon can last for 100 million years! Weird but true…
which country has the fastest internet speed?
Japan has the fastest Internet speed of 319 terabits per second.
what colour is the simpson couch ?
If 11 + 2 = 1, then what does 9 + 5 =?
Answer: This riddle is referring to time. 11 am + 2 hours = 1 pm. 9 pm + 5 hours = 2am.
name the last three thigs i have baked and in order .
pavlova , rice krippy treats , cake
how did pluto get its name ?
Did you know Pluto got its name from an 11-year-old girl, Venetia Burney of Oxford?
every 12 million spams how many get a reply?
For every 12 million email spams, only one gets a reply.
how many tv shows have mario in ?
can you believe it !!!!! 21 all readdy
They get me from a mine and shut me inside a wooden case. I am never released, and almost everybody uses me. What am I? Answer:
Answer: Pencil lead.