la garganta
la gripe
She put
I am getting a vaccine
She is getting a vaccine
We are getting a vaccine
me vacuno
se vacuna
nos vacunamos
They like carrots
les gustan zanahorrias
legs and arms
brazos y piernas
common cold and fever
resfriado y fiebre
You could
I am sick
my mother is sick
They are sick
me enfermo
se enferma
se enferman
We like to run
nos gusta correr
head and face and brain
cabeza, cara, cerebro
high blood pressure
presion alta
They had
You are worried
She is worried
You all are worried
te preocupas
se preocupa
se preocupan
I like the soup
me gusta la sopa
back and stomach
espalda y estomago
anxiety and depression
ansiedad y depresion
I did/made
I shower
You shower
They shower
we shower
Yo me ducho
Tu te duchas
Ellos se duchan
Nosotros nos duchamos
She likes books
le gustan libros
hands feet fingers and toes
las manos, los pies, los dedos, los dedos de pie
I have a head ache
I have a stomach ache
I have a back ache
tengo dolor de cabeza
tengo dolor de estomago
tengo dolor de espalda
He gave a present I saw in the store
El dio un regalo que yo vi en la tienda
I put clothes on
You all put clothes on
She puts clothes on
me pongo ropa
Uds. se ponen ropa
Ella se pone ropa
You all like to paint
les gusta pintar