This is where I go to stock in a vehicle.
What is Vehicle Inventory
This is where you can add default Due Bills
What is Due Bills / Accessories Setup
This is where I go to default the Money Factor Decimal Point.
What is Lender Setups?
This is the icon I click to select a different menu template.
What is the table setting icon?
These are the 3 ways a DP can get assistance from support.
What is Submit a Ticket, Live Chat, and Phone?
This is where I can see a list of deals in Quote status.
What is deals?
This is where you select Total out of Pocket for lease deals.
What is lease settings (or working cash settings)?
These are the two types of toggles in Deal Sheet Setups.
What are "Deal Level Controls" and Hide/Show"?
These are the 2 ways I can share an interactive F&I menu with the customer.
What is Concierge and Share on iPad?
This is where you go to assign a secondary role to an employee.
What is User Setups?
This is where I set up a Deal Template.
What is Sales Setups?
This is where you can add in a cost adjustment in a deal.
What is the Selling Price dropdown?
This is the heading I click on in Vehicle Inventory Setups to create a sub status flag.
What is Others?
This is the button I select to either Add to a deal or Add and Print.
What is the "View Cart" button?
This is where I go to default Spiffs.
What is Commissions Setup?
This is where I configure a Four Square Box.
What is deal sheet setups?
This is the button you hit to show the deal sheet or four square.
What is Share/Print?
This is the name of toggle that allows you to choose how a cash deficiency is handled.
What is "Show Auto-roll Cash Deficiency Popup"?
This is how many options I have to choose from for Product Price - Price Type.
What is 5?
(Cash/Full Price, Daily Price, Weekly Price, Bi Weekly Price, Monthly)
In Concierge Setups, I can enable esign for these 3 items.
What is iPad, Concierge, and Sign at Home?
This is where I enable Concierge (if it has been purchased by the dealership).
What is Sales Setups.
This is the button you select to see separate down payments for loans and leases.
What is kebob -> "separate opt for loan and lease"?
This is the subsection in F&I Setups where I can create a menu template.
What is "Defaults"?
This is how I how show multiple price per month and term options.
What is Payment Methods?
This is where I go to target a lender for a specific payment type, make or state.
What is Sales Setups?