What are forms of income documentation
What is... full year pay stubs, W2, 1040 Tax Return, letter from employer, Tanf, Snap, SSI
Who is eligible for services
What is...
Children ages 0-5
What is the purpose of the Selection Critera
What is...
To ensure we serve those most in need
What is...
A program must maintain a monthly average daily attendance of...
What is..
What are age Verification documents
What is... Birth Certificate, Hospital Confirmation Letter, Passport or I-94 form
What is the cut off date for head start eligibility
What is...
August 31st
What are 3 criteria's used to determine eligibility
What is...
Poverty, Age, Parental Status, Diagnosed Disability, other factor; Teen parent, lacking high school diploma or GED, ESL, Lack of Day Care, Lack of Employment, Lack of insurance, Younger siblings or pregnant mom
What is needed for Orientation
What is..
Immunization Record, Physical, Insurance
If a child is absent and parent has not contacted the program within one hour the FEC must...
What is...
Attempt to contact the parent to ensure the child's well being
What does ERSEA stand for
What is..
Who is eligible for Early Head Start services
What is..
Pregnant women/teens, and children 0-3 who reside in the KCSL service area
When does placement of Head Stat and EHS programs' stop
What is..
30 days prior to the end of the school year
How many days does staff have to complete orientation and turn in contact report
What is..
6 business days
When should an extended absence request form be completed
What is..
When a child will be absent for more than 5 days
What is the recruitment frequency
What is...
All year
What makes a child "categorically eligible"
What is...
Foster Care, Public Assistance, SSI, Snap, Homeless
What are some recruiting techniques
What is...
Door to Door, Community Partner Collaboration, Word of Mouth, Reception of Referrals, Community Events, DCF List
The "Entry date" is used to determine what
What is..
Due dates for all 45/90 day assessments
How long before the first absent day should a request form be filled out
What is...
2 week prior to absence. In case of emergency the 2 weeks may be waived.
Who are the members of the ERSEA Placement Committee
What is..
Dianna Terrazas, Nancy Solorzano, Tessa Smith, David Valles, Josefina Chavez, Cecilia Alonso (Policy Council)
What percentage of enrollment must be children with an IEP/IFSP
What is...
When must the program develop a waiting list for each enrollment year
What is...
How many income eligible, income of 101-130% and over income can we server
What is..
Income Eligible= 90%
Income of 101-130%= 35%
Over Income= 10%
What can happen if Extended Absence is denied or child has chronic absenteesim
What is..
Child will be marked absent if parent still leaves and child may be disenrolled depending on director decision