"Why Summer Makes Us Lazy"
"Why I Teach Math Through Knitting"

Which event sets the story into motion? 

(A) the theft of Judson's liquor 

(B) Judson's decision to have a drink 

(C) Judson's reluctance to return to the city 

D) an argument between Judson and Marcia


the theft of Judson's liquor


What is heuristic thinking?

(A) mental assumptions that allow for quick decision making

(B) mental assumptions that allow for a slower, more detailed thought process


mental assumptions that allow for quicker decision making  


Which of the following describes the author's purpose in the text? 

(A) to help readers understand complex mathematical concepts they likely struggle with 

(B) to show how students can learn math through working with different materials 

(C) to prove that math has real world application after you leave school 

(D) to blame professors for students' difficulties in math and dislike of the subject


to show how students can learn math through working with different materials


How does Alec's arrival at the cabin affect the events of the story?

(A) It leads to Marcia leaving her husband. 

(B) It leads to Judson drinking poisoned whiskey. 

(C) It leads to the theft of some of Judson's liquor. 

(D) It leads to an argument between Judson and Marcia.


It leads to Judson drinking poisoned whiskey.


Based on the information provided in paragraph 9, what does the Yerkes-Dodson curve measure? 

(A) the impact of stress levels on productivity 

(B) the effect of our mood on our decision-making 

(C) the relationship between mood and life satisfaction

(S) the correlation between stress and overall well-being


the impact of stress levels on productivity


How do the pillows help students learn a mathematical concept?

(A) The pillows provide them with something less abstract to work with.

(B) The pillows have interesting designs that keep students engaged.

(C) The students stay interested in the pillow lesson by taking breaks to knit.

(D) The students learn the pillow combinations through repetition.  


The pillows provide them with something less abstract to work with.


Which of the following actions causes Marcia's fear? 

(A) he turned from the bathroom cabinet, entered the expensively primitive living room of his mountain camp, and crossed to a closet set in the pine wall" (Paragraph 2) 

(B) "he had been packing his things away for the Winter, and in a few minutes would be driving back to civilization" (Paragraph 2) 

(C) "she saw the bottle in her husband's hand" (Paragraph 7) 

(D) "one by one he dropped the tablets into the bottle and held it up to watch them dissolve" (Paragraph 12)


"one by one he dropped the tablets into the bottle and held it up to watch them dissolve" 

(Paragraph 12)


What connection does the author make between mood and heuristic thinking in paragraph 7? 

(A) A positive mood leads to more analytical thinking. 

(B) A negative mood ensures more analytical thinking. 

(C) A positive mood is associated with less analytical thinking. 

(D) A negative mood is correlated with less analytical thinking.  


A positive mood is associated with less analytical thinking.


What does knitting help students understand?

(A) all the shapes in the world are technically circles.
(B) different kinds of shapes are constructed.
(C) two dimensional shapes compare to three dimensional shapes.
(D) some shapes can morph into other shapes.

some shapes can morph into other shapes.

How does the conversation between Judson and his wife develop the plot of the passage?

(A) It causes Alec to retaliate against Judson. 

(B) It prompts Marcia to go to warn Alec's wife about the poison. 

(C) It causes Judson to be distracted by Marcia's obvious distress. 

(D) It prompts Judson to consider throwing out the poisoned whiskey.


It prompts Marcia to go to warn Alec's wife about the poison.


Which statement best describes a central idea of the passage? 

(A) As our mood improves, so does our productivity.

(B) The warmer the weather, the greater the productivity.

(C) Gloomy weather leads to depression and low productivity. 

(D) Weather changes can impact our productivity in unexpected ways.


Weather changes can impact our productivity in unexpected ways.


Which statement describes the author's feelings about how math is commonly taught? 

(A) She thinks it's an ineffective way to teach math that leaves out important concepts. 

(B) She believes that professors teach math with equations because they've forgotten how to think creatively. 

(C) She thinks that teaching students math only in the form of equations doesn't challenge them enough. 

(D) She believes it's taught too strictly and doesn't allow students make mistakes and improve.


She believes that professors teach math with equations because they've forgotten how to think creatively. 


Which statement expresses the main theme of the story? 

(A) No crime is bad enough to warrant another person's death. 

(B) It's important to take the opinions of loved ones into consideration. 

(C) There will be consequences if people take justice into their own hands. 

(D) It is fair to make sure a person's punishment fits the crime they committed.


There will be consequences if people take justice into their own hands.


How does the author develop her claim in paragraphs 2-3? 

(A) She cites data from multiple studies to validate her argument. 

(B) She narrates personal experiences that support her argument. 

(C) She relies on figurative language to capture the reader's interest. 

(D) She uses emotional appeal to distract the reader from facts that contradict her argument.


She cites data from multiple studies to validate her argument. 


PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text? 

(A) Knitting can make mathematical concepts more accessible and expand students' understanding of math beyond equations. 

(B) Knitting is a good way for students to learn basic concepts in math, but more advanced math requires equations. 

(C) Students are choosing not to pursue math longer than they have to because the methods of teaching math are dry and inaccessible. 

(D) Students who are more creative learn better by manipulating materials, while more analytical students learn better with numbers.


Knitting can make mathematical concepts more accessible and expand students' understanding of math beyond equations.
