Over how many years was the Qur'an Revealed?
23 Years
How many Ayat is سورة الفاتحة?
Seven including بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Which Eid is celebrated right after Ramadan?
عيد الفطر
What does مدينة mean?
Who was the first woman to accept Islam?
خديجة بنت خويلد زوجة الرسول
What are the shortest and longest Surahs in the Qur'an?
Shortest: سورة الكوثر
Longest: سورة البقرة
At what time do we start our fast and break it?
Start: عند الفجر
Break/ End: بعد غروب الشمس (المغرب)
What does عذاب mean?
How many times did the prophet Mohammad ﷺ perform Hajj?
Only once
In which Surah was it revealed to us that we must fast Ramadan?
سورة البقرة
What numerical order of the Islamic calendar is the month of Ramadan?
Ninth الشهر التاسع هجرياً
What does يسألكم mean?
Asks you
Who was the person prophet Mohammad ﷺ adopted before the adoption became forbidden?
زيد ابن حارثة
Which surah does not start with بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم?
سورة التوبة
What is the name of the meal we eat before Fajr?
Suhoor سحوور
What does صراط مستقيم mean?
Straight Path
Who did the Prophet ﷺ appoint as the 1st Muatthin in Islam?
بلال ابن رباح
Which Surah protects from the torment of the grave if recited every night before going to sleep?
سورة الملك
What is the name of the Islamic month that follows Ramadan?
شهر شوال
What does مبين mean?