4th attempt
A donor has urgent/time sensitive requests related to their donations how and where should this be flagged?
Slack page for DRT with donor details like Lead ID/External Ref and info on nature of request
Donor does not wish to give DOB which dummy date is used as DOB ?
Current year/01/01
On first attempt you hear "number is not in service" what do you do and where in EG? (2 steps)
Write NIS - Y/N and Date in WRAP notes
Save Page
Which type of donations are the main goal of the majority of oxfam frontliner campaigns?
A donor is located in Halifax, which phone line do you use for attempts 1-5?
One of the 2 Eastern phone lines
What should be the first thing that agents do when donor state intentions to donate on their own or via other avenues?
Try to CH and get the donor to donate with agent
What action should be taken after saving updated donor information?
Selecting all appropriate options from the 'updated data' field
On third attempt you get a busy tone, the previous outcomes all have been pending--> busy, what do you do?
What are the 3 steps necessary to trigger a donation email to a donor in EG?
1. Confirm current email address
2. Outcome Complete--> Pledge
3. Press email button and trigger email
If you come across a callback agent that is not yours what do you do? (2 steps in order)
1. Message the person on Slack that their cb agent is ready with Lead ID
2. If they are busy or if it is still coming up for you, set the cb agent to later time
If a donor requests for a specific email/mailing to donate or to find out about a specific project in mailing how and where should this request be flagged?
Write the nature of the request on EG DRT Box to forward to DRT. Non-urgent requests for DRT should go here.
Donor does not have email or does not wish to provide email address even after CH how do you update their email field?
Use the following email format to create a 'dummy' address:DonorsFirstNameLastName@oxfamfrontliners.com and save it on their email field
A donor states that they do not want telemarketing calls anymore, what is the call outcome and how do you update their file?
call outcome complete--> decline
contact preference --> no telemarketing
updated details --> contact preference
Where do agents go to see if a donor has signed themselves up in real time?
604 email inbox
When setting callbacks what should you make sure of before moving to the next lead?
Make sure that the call back got saved to the correct time and date that the donor wanted
Whare are any two of the possible options under the 'contact preference' field in EG?
Email opt in, Email opt out, No Solicitation, No Monthly Solicitation, No Telemarketing
What field is required for the donor to receive a welcome SMS?
Mobile number
What are the two possible final outcomes for a lead or 3rd party that consistently abandons the call?
Complete - Declined / Complete - Third Party Barrier
What is the security measure required before a donor reads out credit card details for processing online by agent?
Pausing/stopping the call recording
What is the range of acceptable times for us to set callbacks for donors in their local time? (ie. we are not allowed to call outside of these times)
9AM - 9PM donor's local time
What contact status is used when donor is very very upset and wishes to not be contacted by Oxfam anymore?
Contact Status --> Sensitive and in worst case scenario Do not Contact (if donor explicitly stated not even DRT or other necessary requests are not allowed)
What are some of the things you may have learned about a donor that should be detailed in Wrap Notes for future?
Family structure, occupation, hobbies
Giving motivation, habits, and preferences
Connection to Oxfam, humanitarian work, and other causes
Anecdotal and personal information learned through rapport that could helpful for future Fund Development and/or Frontliner calls
Third party has shared that the donor has passed away after offering your condolences, how do you update the donor file on EG? (5 steps)
1. Write NOD -Y/N Date in Wrap Notes
2. Change Contact Status to Deceased
3. Indicate that Contact Status has been updated
4. Save
5. Put Final Call Outcome: Complete --> Decline
What is the name and level of the type of security and compliant system that EG uses to process donations?
Evergiving uses a Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant system; PCI is the standard in security for card payments and is a certification that all banks and merchants comply with.