This man was sick for quite some time and died before Jesus arrived. When Jesus arrived however, he immediately raised him from the dead.
Where did Adam and Eve live in the beginning of the bible?
The Garden of Eden
True or False: First Baptist of Huntingdon Valley was officially founded on November 19th, 1900.
True! African Americans in he community began gathering in 1897 and from there FBHV was born!
True or False:
Over 100 Million copies of the bible are sold yearly.
This man baptized Jesus.
John the Baptist
Who was Jesus’ birth father?
Joseph was his adopted Earthly father.
Who is the founder and first Pastor of FBHV?
Reverend Price David Chandler
True or False:
The last word in the bible is "Amen."
This angel brought the news to Mary about her giving birth to Jesus, the Messiah.
What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?
Let his people go!
Before First Baptist of Huntingdon Valley was founded, where would the African American community of Huntingdon Valley go to have weekly prayer meetings?
Hint: They were a married couple who lived on Second Street Pike
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Whitest!
What is the Hebrew name for Jesus?
He committed the first murder in the Bible.
When Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, where was he thrown into?
The lions den
What year and month did Pastor Petty Sr. get installed at FBHV?
May 1977
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
John 11:35, which states, “Jesus wept.”
When his hair was cut, he lost all of the strength God gave him.
Before Jesus started preaching, what was his job?
He was a Carpenter
Who served the most years as Pastor of First Baptist of Huntingdon Valley so far?
The Founder, Reverend Chandler, served 37 years as pastor!!
what version of the bible sells the most copies?