Central Idea
Making Inferences based on Textual Evidence
Connections and Distinctions
Determining the Meaning of Words
Analyzing Text Structures

It is the central idea of the passage about Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier.

B. The Montgolfier brothers theorized that hot air can be used to propel a balloon into the air.


It is what an inference is.

B.  a logical conclusion drawn from evidence in a text.


Based on the article titled, Marathon, it is the difference of most marathons versus most other competitions.

D.  All of the above


This is what connotation means.

B.  What a word means based on its context in a story


This is what you should look at when analyzing the structure of a piece of text.

D.  all of the above (genre of writing, the author's purpose, and the types of transition words that are being used).


It is the central idea of the paragraph about Emperor Penguins.

C. Female Emperor penguins lay their eggs in the Antarctic and both males an females take turns caring for the egg until it hatches.


The evidence is shown in the passage the Montgolfier brothers discovered how to make a hot air balloon.

A.  "He was sitting in front of the fire when he saw some small pieces of scorched paper being carried up the chimney.


This makes marathon running to similar to other competitive sports.

A.  health benefits


It is what denotation means.

A.  a dictionary definition.


This type of writing has the following literary elements:  characters, conflict, setting, and plot.

B. fiction


It is the central idea of the paragraphs dealing with archaeology.

B.  the study of archaeology.


The evidence in the text shows that the Montgolfier brothers launched the first successful hot-air balloon.

B.  "Eventually they build a huge balloon of linen and paper.  On June 5th, 1783, they launched their balloon in the village of Annonay."


This is the connection you can make between this study and other commercials you see on TV.

B.  Advertising agencies sometimes minimize major facts to help sell products.


Based on the Emperor Penguin passage, this is the meaning of the word "trek".

C.  To walk a long-distance.


When seeing words like:  unlike, as well as, on the other hand, and in contrast, the author's purpose is this.

B.  to compare


It is the central idea of the paragraph on quinoa.

B. how to cook quinoa


The evidence in the text could lead you to infer that the Montgolfier brothers experienced some trial and error before successfully launching a hot air balloon.

C.  "After this, Stephen and Joseph conducted many more experiments, both indoors and in the open air."


From Bullets and Billets, the context of the phrase "in the soup" what can you conclude the author is saying?

C.  He is entering a bad situation.


Based on the article of archaeology, the underlined word "professionalization" means this.

A.  the way a field of study turns into a professional job.


Based on the passage of Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier, this is what would change the passage to an essay.

A.  adding an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.


It is the central idea for question 10 about fossilized bones found in Silicon Valley.

A. Mammoth fossils have been found in the Silicone Valley.


The article of terrorism-A Challenge, What is the most important aspect of terrorism, and which sentence explains who is targeted by terrorism?

A.  violence

D.  Both B and C


From Bullets and Billets, this is the conclusion you can draw about this passage.

A.  the narrator is heading into war.


Based on the article on archaeology, this is what it means to do something "systematically".

A.  to follow very specific instructions.


Based on the paragraph of Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier this is the type of text structure used.

A.  sequence
