Assessing Study Behaviors
Changing Study Behaviors
Discussion Questions/Scenarios

What are two methods to assess study behaviors?

Worksheets to track progress & Asking productive questions 

What acronym is used for goal setting and planning?

SMART goals! 







Why would you want to assess study behaviors?

Assessing study behaviors is important because although TE students audit their courses, we want to make sure we are providing them with the tools to try their best. Additionally, the study skills they learn in the TE program will be useful for their future careers.


What are the names of some worksheets that can be used to assess study behaviors?

Student progress tracking form from the ASTEP program at Minot State University, Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Worksheet from Colorado State University, and Weekly Academic Planning Tool from the TerpsEXCEED program at University of Maryland


What are 3 methods that can be used to change study behaviors?

SMART goals, task analysis, and graphic organizers


In terms of asking productive questions, do the type of questions you ask depend on the student?

Yes! As discussed previously, there are many types of questions used for different reasons: 

■Managerial: to keep the classroom operations moving

■Rhetorical: to emphasize a point, to reinforce an idea or statement

■Closed: to check the retention of previously learned information

■Open: to promote discussion or student interaction, to stimulate student thinking


What type of question would you ask to emphasize a point, to reinforce an idea or statement?

Managerial, rhetorical, closed, or open



What is a task analysis?

A sequenced list of subtasks or steps that make up a task

Create a task analysis for this scenario: David has an upcoming speech due in 5 days (can be as little or as many steps as you think are necessary)

Answers will vary...sample task analysis:

1.Go over the rubric of the speech together

2.Ask productive questions: To assess David's understanding of the rubric and his ideas for the speech

3.Mark a SMART plan for writing and practicing the speech

4.Create a graphic organizer highlighting specific tasks David should do each day 

ex. Mon-Wed: writing, Thurs-Fri: practicing

5. At end of each session: practice speech together


What type of question would you ask to check the retention of previously learned information?


Why are graphic organizers useful 

They provide a framework for students to create a visual representation of the most significant information in the text

Pick a student in the TE program and pick a method to change study behaviors and explain why it would be useful for that student.

~Responses vary~


What is one strategy for asking productive questions?

•Keep in mind course goals

•Aim for direct specific questions

•Ask only one question at a time

•Ask open-ended questions

•Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to address different cognitive processes in the questions you ask

•Refine and reflect on questions


What is the goal of each letter of the SMART goal?






SPECIFIC: What do you want to accomplish?

MEASURABLE: How will you know when you have accomplished your goal?

ATTAINABLE: How can the goal be accomplished?

RELEVANT: Is this goal worth working hard to accomplish?

TIMELY: By when will the goal be accomplished?


Create a SMART goal for the following scenario: Hari needs to create a resume by the end of the week

~Responses vary~

SPECIFIC: Hari's resume

MEASURABLE: Hari's resume includes all of his essential academic, extracurricular , and career experiences

ATTAINABLE: By splitting the parts of a resume into the five days Hari has to work on it. Example: 

Monday - Name, Contact Info

Tuesday - Academic Info (High School, TE)

Wednesday - Career Experiences (Internships)

Thursday - Extracurricular Experiences (Leadership positions in clubs)

Friday - Revising and editing for grammar and formatting

RELEVANT: This goal is worth working hard because this resume will help Hari get a career he is excited about.

TIMELY: This goal needs to be accomplished within a week so that the resumes can be submitted to various companies and internships.
