This is how you conjugate: Je / MANGER
(1 min)
J'ai mangé
This is how you conjugate: Je / ALLER
(1 min)
These words indicate the use of this tense: hier, le week-end dernier, l'été passé
(1 min)
Le passé composé
Translate: You used to play soccer.
(2 min)
Tu jouais au football.
What is the only irregular verb in the imparfait?
(1 min)
This is how you conjugate: Tu / FAIRE
(1 min)
Tu as fait
This is how you conjugate: Tu / JOUER
(1 min)
Tu jouais
These words are indicators of this tense: souvent, toujours, en général
(1 min)
Translate: Yesterday, I drank a coffee (un café).
(2 min)
Hier, j'ai bu un café.
Translate: I used to watch cartoons (dessins animés).
(2 min)
Je regardais les dessins animés.
This is how you conjugate: Il / ALLER
(1 min)
Il est allé
This is how you conjugate: Elle / ÊTRE
(1 min)
Elle était
This is the tense you use to describe what you used to be like in the past.
(1 min)
Translate: I watched a movie last weekend (le week-end dernier).
(2 min)
J'ai regardé un film le week-end dernier.
Translate: Yesterday, I read a good book (un bon livre).
(2 min)
Hier, j'ai lu un bon livre.
These are the two required components of the passé composé.
(2 min)
1. Helping verb (avoir or être)
2. Past participle
This is how you conjugate: Ils / MANGER
(2 min)
Ils mangeait
This tense is used to describe what you did during February Break 2023.
(1 min)
Passé composé
Translate: We used to often (souvent) travel.
(2 min)
Nous voyagions souvent.
What is one of the two main differences between Groups 1/2 and Group 3 verbs in the passé composé?
(2 min)
- Groups 1/2 use avoir as the helping verb; Group 3 uses être
- Group 3 needs agreement (+e, +s)
This is how you conjugate: Nous (f) / NAÎTRE
(2 min)
Nous sommes nées
These are the three (3) steps for conjugating the imparfait.
(2 min)
1. Nous form of the present tense
2. Take off the -ONS
3. Add the appropriate ending (-AIS, -AIS, -AIT, -IONS, -IEZ, AIENT)
Je __________ (faire) souvent du vélo avec mes amis.
(2 min)
Translate: The high schoolers (Les lycéens, m) used to have blond hair.
(2 min)
Les lycéens avaient les cheveux blonds.
These are the Group 3 verbs!
(3 min)
devenir, revenir, mourir, retourner, sortir, venir, aller, naître, descendre, entrer, rentrer, tomber, rester, arriver, monter, partir, (passer)