Friction is a _________.

A. form of gravity

B. form of energy

C. form of matter

D. force

d. force


When an object rolls over a surface, what type of force is acting on it?

A. sliding friction

B. rolling friction

C. pushing friction

D. fluid friction

b. rolling friction


If a brick taken into outer space is compared to an identical brick that is left on Earth, it will be found that the brick in space will have less:

A. mass.

B. density. 

C. volume.

D. weight.

D. weight.


If an object is accelerating, then the forces acting on it must be:

A.  unbalanced.

B. balanced.

C. zero.

D. increasing.

A.  unbalanced.


Identify the object that has the greatest gravitational pull.

A. tennis ball

B. the moon

C. the sun

D. Earth

C. the sun


The force that keeps satellites in orbit around Earth is:

A. electrical.

B. gravity.

C. magnetic.

D. friction.

B. gravity.


If a force acting on a moving object stops acting, and no other force acts on it, the object will ___________.

A. stop moving

B. slow down

C. speed up

D. keep moving in the same direction

D. keep moving in the same direction


A change in position of an object is its ___________.

A. acceleration

B. speed

C. motion 

D. inertia

C. motion


Friction is caused by the _______ of objects, liquids, or gases moving past each other.

A. inability

B. conversion

C. ease


D. resistance


Newton's third law of motion states that _______________.

A. whenever an object is falling, gravity pulls it down 

B. an object at rest will stay at rest or an object in motion will stay in motion with a constant velocity

C. acceleration is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object

D. for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

D. for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction


When you rub your hands together, they heat up due to _________.

A. momentum

B. gravity

C. friction

D. inertia

C. friction


Force equals mass  x   ______________.

A. velocity

B. acceleration

C. speed

D. distance

B. acceleration


On Earth a gallon of milk has the same mass as a gallon of milk in space, but it has a different __________.

A. inertia

B. weight

C. amount of matter

D. volume

B. weight


Suppose you were to fill a balloon with air then let go of it without tying it closed. What causes the balloon to fly away?

A. The air around the balloon is under higher pressure, so it pulls the balloon forward.

B. The warm air from your breath is less dense than the cooler air around the balloon, and warm air always rises.

C. Your breath contains helium, which is lighter than air. 

D. The balloon's movement is the reaction to the force of air escaping.

D. The balloon's movement is the reaction to the force of air escaping.


A ball rolling along a smooth sidewalk suddenly rolls onto a grassy area. What will happen to the ball’s motion?

A. It will roll slower because friction increases

B. It will roll faster because friction increases.

C. It will roll faster because friction decreases.

D. It will roll slower because friction decreases.

A. It will roll slower because friction increases


In the absence of friction, if a force acting on a moving object stops acting, the object will:

A. stop moving.

B. keep moving at a constant speed.

C. move at a slower speed. 

D. speed up.

B. keep moving at a constant speed.


An object is accelerating when _______________.

A. it is not moving

B. it is spinning around

C. it is changing speed or direction

D. it continues at the same speed

C. it is changing speed or direction


Jupiter is much more massive than Earth. What would happen to an astronaut on Jupiter?

A. The astronaut would weigh more on Jupiter than on Earth.

B. The astronaut would weigh a little less on Jupiter than on Earth.

C. The astronaut would weigh the same on Jupiter as on Earth. 

D. The astronaut would have no weight at all on Jupiter.

A. The astronaut would weigh more on Jupiter than on Earth.


A force acting on an object will cause it to __________.

A. accelerate

B. decrease its mass

C. move at a constant speed

D. increase its mass

A. accelerate


What effect does friction have on a moving object?

A. It causes the moving object to speed up

B.  It causes the moving object to turn around and move in the opposite direction.

C. It keeps the moving object moving in the same direction forever.

D. It causes the moving object to slow and eventually stop.

D. It causes the moving object to slow and eventually stop.


If you were to travel to several other planets in our solar system, you would find that your weight would be different on each planet. Why?

A. Each planet rotates at a different rate.

B. Each planet has a different mass.

C.  Each planet is a different distance from the Sun.

D. Each planet has a different magnetic field strength.

B. Each planet has a different mass.


Viscosity is the characteristic of a fluid that resists _____.

A. solidifying

B. floating

C. flow

D. mixing with other liquids

C. flow


Forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction are:

A. universal forces.

B. unbalanced forces.

C. balanced forces.

D. unstoppable forces.

C. balanced forces.


The gravitational attraction between two objects depends on the distance between the objects and their _________.

A. momentum

B. volumes 

C. masses

D. magnetic attraction

C. masses


Velocity is the _______ of an object.

A. speed

B. direction

C. momentum

D. speed and direction

D. speed and direction


The force that prevents a ball rolling on the ground from continuing on its path forever is ________.

A. friction

B. gravity

C. inertia

D. mass

A. friction


The force needed to move an object depends upon:

A. the density of the object.

B. the volume of the object.

C. the mass of the object.

D. the shape of the object.

C. the mass of the object.


Earth has a large mass, which requires a _______ force to _________ its motion.

A. small / maintain

B. small / change

C. large / maintain

D. large / change

D. large / change


What does Newton's third law of motion state?

A. If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.

B. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

C. Force equals mass times acceleration.

D. An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by another object.

B. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


A stone is attached to a spring balance. The stone pulls the spring of the balance downward because:

A. it attracts the spring towards it.

B. the spring pushes the stone downward.

C. Earth's gravity pulls the stone downward.

D. the stone and the spring have opposite magnetic poles.

C. Earth's gravity pulls the stone downward.



Which of the following best completes this sentence? In every interaction, forces occur in ___________.

A. specific places

B. single units

C. pairs

D. one direction only

C. pairs



If two opposite forces act on a stationary object at the same time, and one is stronger than the other, which way will the object move?

A. It will move toward the weaker force.

B. It will move towards the stronger force

C. It will not move. 

D. It will move at right angles to the two forces.

A. It will move toward the weaker force.


The rate that an object accelerates depends on:

A. the mass of the object and the force applied to it.

B.  how long the force acts on it.

C. the mass and volume of the object.

D. how fast the object was already moving before it began to accelerate.

A. the mass of the object and the force applied to it.


The rate an object accelerates depends on __________.

A. whether it is already moving

B. its mass and the strength of the force

C. how long the force acts on it

D. the direction of the force

B. its mass and the strength of the force


Forces occur in pairs. If the first one is called the action force, the second would be the___________.

A. moving force

B. resistance force

C. reaction force

D. normal force

C. reaction force


Gravity is the force that determines the ____________________.

A. shape of matter

B. volume of matter

C. weight of matter

D. color of matter

C. weight of matter


What must happen in order to successfully launch a rocket from the surface of the Earth into outer space?

A. The rocket's thrust must overcome Earth's magnetic field.

B. The rocket must be less dense than the air around it.

C. The rocket must move faster than Earth rotates.

D. The rocket's thrust must overcome Earth's gravity.

D. The rocket's thrust must overcome Earth's gravity.


Identify the correct formula for weight.

A. weight = mass x force

B. weight = mass x gravity

C. weight = gravity x force

D. weight = gravity x pounds

B. weight = mass x gravity


If you are wearing roller skates and you push against a wall, you roll backwards. Why?

A. You and the wall have opposite charges, so the wall repels you.

B. The wall is bigger than you are, so it pushes you with a greater force than you push it..

C. There is no friction between your roller skates and the floor.

D. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

D. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction


Which statement is true about the gravitational force between objects in the universe?

A. All objects have the same gravitational pull on other objects regardless of mass.

B. The lesser the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull on other objects.

C. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull on other objects.

D. The farther away two objects are from each other, the stronger the force of gravity between them.

C. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull on other objects.


Chamber P is filled with air while chamber Q has no air in it.  If a leaf and a brick are dropped from the top of each chamber at the same time, where will they hit the ground at the same time?

A. in chamber P only

B. in chamber Q only

C. in both chambers

D. in neither chamber

B. in chamber Q only


Suppose a rock is sitting on a table. Which statement below best describes the forces involved?

A. No forces are acting on the rock or table because neither is moving.

B. The rock is exerting a downward force on the table, but the table is not exerting a force.

C. The table is exerting an upward force on the rock, but the rock is not exerting a force.

D. The rock is exerting a downward force on the table, and the table is exerting an upward force on the rock.

D. The rock is exerting a downward force on the table, and the table is exerting an upward force on the rock.
